Link to this blogpost

    I am sorry if links do not work when you try them. Check again later and see if I fixed it. The cyber criminals add  characters so links do not work. Pathetic, isn't it? 

Ref links:

I needed to make another link to type the final complaint.  I will post it in  little while - 9:43pm 10/1/2024 Happy Birthday, (former) President Jimmy Carter ! And many more! Your wife, too! πŸ’™❤️πŸ™πŸ’™πŸ€—πŸ’›

Reference blog, with typed complaint that was submitted into court; 

      Make sure you check this one out 

Update:  APPENDIX OF 246 PAGES (You may need to sign up for free 30 day trial with Drop Box to see it) 

APPENDIX of 246 Pages

If you do not have a Drop Box Account, you may need to sign up for 30 day trial

I am new with this so I mau provide other ways you can access it in a day or two. 

NEW 3 October 2024 - APPENDIX OF 246 PAGES

I dont know what I'm doing....

How can the assessed value go from $2.2 billion to $103,billion? To $0? 

These records seem to be frauded. 

This one is The Order Of Barbarians. I made a mistake but will leave it here.

Share what you want! Peace is the answer!πŸ•Š


     9/30/2024: the whole updated complaint was deleted by a hacker! There were some nasty people around tonight. That's what the New Order Of Barbarians want! These people need to be socially rehabilitated and like Joe Imbriano says, finding God in their life is quite a healing thing and empowers them to take care of themselves, to respect themselves. 

Keep checking #SunriseCT on Twitter. And revisit this blogpost. My 264 Appendix will be available online. For your reference. Don't allow yourself to be intimidated. You are a child of God. We are born to love;  don't be blind but stay focused even if you find you need blinders on to take care of you. God helps those who help themselves. Life these days can be very very tough! Yet it's tougherwhen there isn't any! Process that! Make it your own. You will help others. You'll see. I'm just a water pot that has a crack in it but hope the water that leaks out may grow flowers.Look up that folk story from India about the "cracked pot"😁

With God, all things are possible. THIS IS NOT THE LITERAL TRANSLATION, WHICH I FIND EVEN MORE HELPFUL. I wish I had those words. Basically, like my father used to say, you're the captain of your ship - All things are possible, so do what you can to be part of the solution. 

I hope to create another on - with pictures of documents -it will show details of frauded billing by BOZZUTO which hides behind many business names, uses much fraud! 

If I am able, It will show the lease - and you will see they deliberately break the law. And this state has boasted to be the wealthiest in USA. 

Having my younger brother steal my money from the store I owned after promising my father when he quit claimec it to him - that he would turn over the money when he sold it - and make Obama proud for cheating me and his own father - then not caring anything about our older brother making him die and bragging about it to me - just shows how stinking depraved the world has become! They are that damn greedy!My fathet sold his retirement home so he could give me $10,000 out of the $30,000 due me. My younger brother got a higher business loan for having more equity and then took the money for himself without having to pay a thing for the property. I was never invited over even when I.lived just a few blocks away. Same with the older brother who probably was always disappointed I didnt die when I was hit head on by a 20 ton truck that was sanding the roads with a spotter on a freaking sunny day! I got no support. I suffered so much. My father was the only one who vouched for me and the elites treated him like trash for it. 

this country is run by organized crime and it has literally ruined my life, any opportunity for enjoyment. my father said he didnt blame me fir settling out of court. The attorney lied more about how much I would be getting, resentimg my relief of getting away from the corrupted attorneys. 

My own uncle stole my SSN and used it to purchase a Second brand new luxury vehicle. Though he welcomed me to his home to get a job and build a new life! He nervously demanded I not get a job around there and just wait for results from the government. I had no choice. I left his home leaving $300 in cash on his table fir 2 months stay even though2 weeks was spent giving his high and mighty conspiring niece a ride to Upstate NY going HER way which she claimed was shortest even though I trimmed 2 1/2 hours by going on Rt 3 when I left there. [SHE DIDNT NEED A RIDE ANYWAY. SHE JUST WANTED TO GET ME OUT OF UNCLE BLOB'S WAY WHILE HE PURCHASED THE MERCEDES BENZ USING MY SSN; FLATLINING MY CREDIT! AND when my father confronted him about it - shortly after he almost died on the operating table from having a gall bladder that almost burst. He was very sick. And that uncle never did anything for him then or when he was poisoned by the paedophile priest and my brother resented his surviving it so he went to New Mexico and killed him. Lying about what papers he was signing to have him medically murdered. He was so anxious to kill Dad that he  said he wanted the nurse to collapse his lungs. And the nurse actially did hold him on his sides for very long times to.make his lungs collapse. I kept telling him to stop and my mother said shut uo or she would have security throw me out. 

I loved my family. I did many things for them and usually they just wanted more. Why was it that they figured murdering their own dad who made family his life - even okay? It is murder! Why are people doing that? I met a few who told me their story about similar things. 

Watch/listen to the recording of the New Order Of Barbarians; shared by Dr. DUNEGAN once The evil Dr. Day died so he wouldnt be a direct threat. It hurts to this day to see how barbaric my brother and mother got,and most likely profited from. I had to drive back to Connecticut in the winter, from rest stopto rest stop having truck drivers walk up to my car and having to start my car and hope to find another rest stop. They could have had weapons, even a gun. I wasnt taking any chances, particularly since they definitely acted like they had a plan. My cat was poisoned to deathby an illegal intruder. I was poisoned by lead leaching in my water and had a heart attack. I also had emergency gall bladder surgery befote that, which was from the lead, from having to take tylenol and advil at the same time sufcering from a bad concussion caused by a sriver who was training with a $multi billion medical company. I was stupid and retained an attorney who again was only serving himself refusing to even take a picture of the huge bruise on my forehead. And years later that attorneys father, a crooked judge was so damned dishonest in court abd they wete all in on it as a vendetta for dropping his sonny-boy when he had backdoor deals with tge medical company just like Frederick Kendall did to me. In both circimstances they crashed into me. 

Dont let this happen to you if you can help it. Life is to be cherished. Using your talents and being good to your neighbor. When the maintenance manager broke into my aoartment and I screamed for my life, my neighbors did nothing. They were probably spoonfed on what to do, just like when they got me falsely arrested and NAZI queen Dragan from Ukraine called neighbors and toldthem to stay in their apartments,I was dangerous! I was assaulted by the officer - they use these ear devices all over now, so beware of that. In court too! All conspiring! Creating tricks, deceiving like hell! Even when I filled out an application recently, that person was obviously using an earpiece. He said one thing, then completely flipflopped about taking the only copy I had - because it was a ledger printout and the landlord wanted toalter it since I caught them frauding it. 

I get so tired and worn down. Had it notbeen for a higher authority calling that scumbag maintenance supervisor that day, I probably would have been raped and killed. 

The chief medical examiner yanked a large clump of my hair out, sitting behind me on tbe train coming back from NYC. I recognized Dr. CARVER; HE TESTIFIED AT THE PETIT TRIALS AND LET ME TELL YOU, HE IS A BOLDFACE LIAR AND THE JUDGE DIDNT CARE. 

They probably got millions from a movie about it. MAKES ME SICK. 

 It was indeed a very expensive 2 months at my uncle's - having no income and draining savings to the point I had to cash in my CD. Relatives always had a demented view against me; having to prove money and possessions mean nothing. using me as an example. Yet entitlement was what drove most of them - it wasnt always like that. They got caught up in the New Order of Barbarians. My younget brother got $500,000 gov free money to expand his business from Obama. And that was common practice by Obama, dragging the country in more debt to collapse our society and be like Hitlet. 

And of course, it seemed they never forgave me for not being a moneybank for them. So my younger brother decided to help himself and enjoy getting a new car and having a third baby with the wife who he had an unstable relationship with and my father wanted to help them be a family and be rooted in a good business. My brother became quite disrespectful and apparently that pleased his wife. Life was getting so horrible for me. No stability and the attorneys decided to make me a laughing stock, to include erecting a restaurant where I was almost murdered, titled Pig's Ear, since I told a local sex trafficker to leave me al9ne, he was a pig. Organized crime aligns with organized crime; and they love to harm and even kill anyone who stands up to it. 10/2/2024 2:21am 


The Notice To Quit is  an illegal Wild Card rather than be treated as a legitamate part of the Eviction Process in Connecticut, USA - and what greatly aids in this fraud is CYBER CRIME by the TECHNOCRAT Billionaires 

I will provide images of documents; maybe more here 

One caselaw stated that THE NOTICE TO QUIT IS AN EXECUTION. 

 No way! No how! That's a freaking backwards process, basically like saying someone is guilty before it is proven. Nevertheless, it is costly for a landlord to allow a tenant to just hold an apartment with no promise to pay - IF THEY OWE MONEY. In my case, I dont. THE COMPANY IS CROOKED AS HELL. THAT IS MY PROBLEM. AND THE CITY AND GOVERNMENT CATER TO THEM. THE SECRETARY OF STATE IS THEIR AGENT! THAT'S CRIME RIGHT IN PLAIN SIGHT! 

This landlord is required to haveat least 10%of their tenants as Section 8 housing; along with many other agreements which they made with the Obama administratiin -getting craploads of money from Obama! Many millions of dollars! Competency in management took a backseat! Organized Crime took the front seat! Well, I will make a strong effort to return tomorrow and post the complaint again. Thefinal one.Maybe I will change it a bit after talking to the Chief Clerk at Housing. He didnt like my starting it with the motion - sort of rubbing their nose into the fact they said I couldnt file a housing complaint. A Judge may get distracted and even turned off.  I don't like any of this process😀 Being told I cant file a housing complaint really when I can really sucks - and the judge took part in that deception. If something doesnt seem right to you, try to find the answer other ways because internet is run by organized crime.

Countries which have low crime rates and content communities include Russia and China. They are growing and prospering. And people are not afraid. They are curteous and respectful. Consider that. They are zooming ahead because they know how to use internet as a tool of prosperity, not as a NAZI weapon to feed wealth to a group of Elites who are actually worthless and destructive.  Consider that. Share it in your own words if you agree. It will make more sense to you if you do that. 


I had many notes on this blogpost - deleted by Cyber Crime by Samsung scumbags! This is why internet is a dangerous dynamic - it's mismanaged by criminals who get away with their crimes - namely the Technocracy! -- 9/27/2024 

Form JD-HM-35 

Housing Complaint Form 

Which Housing Denies to be a matter of right or even exists! 

And one section indicates that Notice to Quit bars complainant from filing

If the Noticr To Quit is valid -

it sure as hell was not valid! Even though my laptop was being hacked and I had to type a new document to attach to the form, I did remember to emphasize the Notice To Quit was not valid!

 This form is pursuant to CGS-47a-14h. It is amost 3 am so I need to get some sleep, particularly since this viral flu is not completely gone.


Around, around the Mulbury Court; 

The Landlord chases the tenant;

Around, around the Mulbury Court;

Pop! The tenant defendent!

Jack-in-the-Box - 

     The last thing they want in this state is for innocent people to defend themsselves! 

I entered the Appendix of 246 pages, which I have scanned on a flashdrive plus uploaded online to a website. I need to access my email on wifi to get the link. This crooked landlord blocked wifi 2 years ago after I complained the maintenance manager took a dump in my trash can after he told the "trainee" who wasnt even watching him and instead looking over my apartment like he was casing the joint -that "my tip is broken. Go get what I need"

The phrase "tip is broken" is a dirty phrase meaning a man is ejaculating! 

He urinated and defecated in my trash can! Of course I complained! I didnt know what he was doing in the bathroom. I was trying to work on my documents - they disrupted my efforts with a so-called maintence call that was very rarely performed! And he didn't even empty the water in the dryer! The dryer sucks out water - just the opposite of drying clothes traditionally. They claim it saves water! The water drains out. They always check to be sure it drains out. But he didn't! He was doing something else - obviously relieving himself in my trash can! 

When the employee returned, he did nothing plus the dryer cover was no longer secure! He removed the screws! And the employee didnt watch him when he returned either. He handed what looked like a screwdriver even though they have a cart in the hallway - and no spare screwdriver?  That was January 2023! 


They claimed SOM Living was new owner. New Haven Independent and several other media reported they sold the building for $160 million - it's a freaking $2.2 billion building plus they got a THIRD mortgage for $89 billion! Payable to Gideon Freeman in NYC! 


I just check the PUBLISHED article again and it was frauded again, mentioning Ansonia State Street, changing SOM Living to Beachwood -  removing SOM Living - btw, the Agent of service disappeared, maybe in New Jersey - they have properties in New Jersey. Frankly the $89 billion probably came from Storquest / Paedophile rapist Warren Jeffs the child sex trafficker! Crime money! Weasled into the economy make it appear as tenant income!

BTW, tenants are collaterol here! 


Frauded again! After publishing the article Nov 2022! He spelled Beachwood wrong - that's what happens when they are in a hurry frauding. I am still resting but obviously need to push myself to get that link that Tyco sent me. I may have to print 6 sets to serve these scumbags to avoid the court claiming "you can't electronically file anything because blah, blah, blah" 

I will just get the paper at Tyco and as long as the illegal intruders didn't steal my extra toner, I can print them all and say Kung-FU to you! 😀
 They frauded records - someone switched documents. Assessed at 2.2billion! It should be in my appendix. I included a former one to compare. 

Am not sure which picture will be clearer so here is both: 

MEPT Chapel Street never owned it; Bozzuto quit claimed it to 360 State Street, Inc! 

Posted 10/4/2024 

Original owners of Elm City Market flew the coop in 2013! Left the country! Consider at least 400 apartments out of 500 joined the co-op with a hefty $500 or so to get discounts. They had millions of dollars though - probably conspiring with Bozzutos, I expect. 


Why does this not surprise me? 


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