
Sundar Pichai Message To Google

 Link to this blog TABLE OF CONTENTS Tweeted today:  @sundarpichai - 9April2024 - Please give my message attention. It is located here: Tweeted just past midnight 4/12/2024  4/11/2024: Based on review today, I see where this was frauded by CYBER CRIMINALS. THEREFORE,  I MADE NOTES IN RED. 1. Google is helping themselves to my accounts and devices - they do not EVER have my permission! This is cyber crime! I do not sinc my devices and they cannot help themselves to my blogger accounts! 2. My landlord disabled wifi in my apartment. I had to purchase an extender for $100 - as a solution but it took me a year to find out what that solution was.

Cat's Meow

  You're the Cat's Meow!  Link to this blogpost: TABLE OF CONTENTS Born in Norway!  This blogpost will be mainly or all pictures - I would have more but things come up missing often. Due to the unstable environment I live in, and having a low income, I stay home alot. So, this blogpost may be a chance to humor people who need a little chearing up. I'm a Fallonphile, a Russiaphile 😁 I'll be back. Copy what you want. This is a hobby. Not monitored or monitized.  I keep getting these crapheaded messages that block what I can do, so screw YouTube morons!  Never reply to Gotit crap! It is not logical, serves no purpose but to deceive us!  Well, here are a few so far....   I had 4 pictures, this uploaded 5, one was repeat, and it took over 2 hrs!  Cyber Crime!  I cropped them all - they f*ked them up!  I checked them, they we