History Guy And Friends


Link for this blogpost: 
💥 https://thunderflower2021.blogspot.com/2022/02/history-guy-and-friends.html?m=1

Most of my notes were deleted! My blogpost was deleted so I have to create another! 

TABLE OF CONTENTS  of all blogposts  - alphebetized, not monitized or monitored. Ad-free.
I do my best to keep it current  and recover what hackers delete!   Copy what you want. Share what you want!

Thunder Flower Blog 2021 🌼  https://thunderflower2021.blogspot.com/2021/10/table-of-contents.html?m=1 

My tablet and SD cards were stolen by a dentist last week - all taken from my cart and he was the only one near it. My papers were missing as well and this phone was tampered with! I could not even access my app connecting me to my doctor! The phone shut off when I tried! 

The History Guy - recreated blogpost because a hacker deleted prior blogpost @history_yt 

💥<insert 8/21/2023>

These plants absorb radiowaves and make your home healthier:

1. Aloe vera
2. Spider plant
3. Asperagus fern
4. Betel leaf plant
5. English Ivy
6. Snake plant


Table of Contents for all blogposts  

        Copy, share what you want. Make it your own statement, show YOUR colors! 🥰 Be part of the solution!

Thunder Flower Blog 2021 🌼  https://thunderflower2021.blogspot.com/2021/10/table-of-contents.html?m=1 

    What app? I paid for an app to access Twitter because Twitter nefariously took down my account and would not process my appeal! Sometimes the app doesn't work properly. 

Watch @HistoryYT #TheHistoryGuy -This app is compromised and doesn't pull up your acct #WhatsWrongWithInternet
"Civil War Battle of Prairie Grove Arkansas"  - https://youtu.be/Q_EvjSVXQ78

beautiful pictures
Amit Eshel wildlife photography - https://www.amiteshel.com/

This is all I have now: 

Watch @history_yt
"The Great New York Fire of 1835"  - https://youtu.be/axdP74iULps

Watch @HistoryYT
"The Adventures of Charles DeRudio"  - https://youtu.be/7-ZOzoVJGLA

Watch @history_yt
"Forgotten Battle of Thermopylae: The Celtic Invasion of Greece"  - https://youtu.be/t5cizVNSNEI

    How To Plea Insanity
@HistoryYT - Looks to me like a #ContractJob he acted nuts
ie, #PetitFamilyMurders in Cheshire, CT - there is very little honesty in the courts, which love talking about basketball courts as a distraction!
"Jonathan Martin: Arson and Insanity"  https://youtu.be/JDaauwvXysw

Lupercalia - what is it? 9min
My comment:
From my book on symbols:
The Roman Lupercalia Festival featured young priests running about striking women with goatskin thongs to drive out sterility. Christ symbolized his SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY by using a whip to CHASE money changers from the Temple...
Pg 138
Symbols And Their Meanings
Jack Tresidder
....I thought of CHASE BANK...JP Morgan was always mocking to humor his depraved self since he mass murdered thousands from the Titanic alone! And obviously rigged his own bank bombing to kill certain people, collect insurance!

65 died, others injured from the preventable blast due to the Governor's deliberate negligence of letters and obvious calls! @history_yt
"The 1947 Centralia Mine Disaster"   https://youtu.be/BwvpAlvM-SA

Posted 2/10/2022

beautiful pictures
Amit Eshel wildlife photography - https://www.amiteshel.com/

"Roger Sherman and the Great Compromise" in Connecticut  #SunriseCT  https://yo


@history_yt 😄
"Chocolate: A History" 😋

@history_yt  - They caused rhe death of thousands of lives in rhe name of progress
"Congo-Ocean Railway" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/F2L7bvFON7U

Posted 2/23/2022 

1hr special! By @History_YT #TheHistoryGuy
"Best of the History Guy: Fruits" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/XEEOtWfC1UI 


Excellent 50min video by @HistoryYT
"The History Guy: Best of Broken Arrows" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/vJyf_M611cw

Posted 1/20/2023

Wow, I've been slacking off - my notes get posted in my monthly 'pitstops' instead ...

Video https://youtu.be/X80b8oOsNk8

My comment:
My kid brother would be glued to the TV all Saturday. My father believed in individuality and even thought it was funny he was so mesmorized, yet a plain good natured kid. Yet he was somehow robbed of that nature when at 17, he allowed himself to be controlled by a 22 yr old man who I turned down when he hit on me, even though he had a girlfriend (kindergarten school teacher) who was pregnant by him. He became my brother's cartoonist apparently.  He had to prove to his girlfriend she was important to him and treated me like crap - when I was recovering from nearly fatal injuries. Both legs heavily damaged with pieces of the car embedded - everyone just figured I won the lottery and only cared about money, not defending my rights, from having been almost murdered. Was it TV that teaches those things, using direct and subliminal thoughts - or was it just their choice - placing the Almighty Dollar above even what my father tried to instill in us, as a staple in life - it cannot buy happiness.  Whatever the case, it took me years to realize what an enabler I was, excusing their actions and suffering for it. 

I was even cheated out of $12,000 by my kid brother and since he and his wife wouldn't have anything to do with me,though I tried, I could never have a discussion about it. His handler no doubt, orchestrated that. 

Most likely they will just laugh it off, since Narcissism has been the social answer - to what...since USA is imploding.  They can't resurrect the father they deliberately killed. And  internet  sooths their consciences. 
Did we have good ol' days? As The History Guy describes, sure...kinda sorta. Whatever the case, keep your joy. Don't be fooled. But laugh off the foolishness.

Posted 3/22/2023 

Watch #TheHistoryGuy
"Irish Divisions in the 1918 Spring Offensive" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/uD6EHgrxujU

@HistoryYT - FYI, The USA gave amnesty to thousands of NAZIS after WW2-750 were scientists and doctors. Search Annie Jacobson.This German soldier story was probably a non-NAZI - Hitler murdered them.
"Best of the History Guy: Weird Crime" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/i9i9NS0sSnQ

Posted 19June2023

At about 40.min, @history_yt
Mentions the Titan2! Another Titan bites the dust, thus supporting your opinion that the #Oceangate Titan implosion was fake!

I wish I could go....go if you can! This would be an exciting trip! 

Who is Maria, what is she saying there? Please watch! 

She is very brave and wants people to understand the truth! 

#UkraineInvasion2014 - The facts she shares are just part of the ongoing depravity by Zelensky Administration, which USA seated and funds $15billion a year! 

"Maria Zakharova - Ukraine crisis (June 28, 2023)" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/DlAPYQv9sf0 

Posted 6July 2023 at 1:44am 

The History Guy: at 20-30min
               Movie: Hostile waters
Note, If this was a Tweet, it was obviously altered by Twitter, which is FRAUD. Their requesting permission to access our files, camera, pictures - is NOT just covering the need to attach to tweets, it is much more devious.  They alter what we say! A violation of the US Constitution, but does the US Supreme Court do their job? You decide! #FollowTheMoney #ProfitOverPromise
I corrected it, so if you see the tweet itself, it will not be the same as this.

I beg to differ about the Soviet K219. Americans watched the whole thing from their submarine. No mention of a release of ANY nukes by Russians. YET, AMERICANS WERE ITCHING FOR THAT TO HAPPEN SO THEY COULD SINK THE SHIP, leak nukes in the water, and blame Russia with  attack No. 2=Reagan's eagerness to incite war for secret societies.

"Best of the History Guy: Submarines" on YouTube - see 20-30 min for this tweet.  https://youtu.be/HGNSUHnnQwA

      Is "White" somehow a Rite (of passage) to the Freemasons? 


Were they drunk and careless, despite the ship being safe? Did Titanic echo this scheme, since The White Ship hit a rock - and it was owned by WHITE STAR LINE. @history_yt reports
The White Ship - https://youtube.com/watch?v=ORhQebiTxns&feature=share

The White Ship (sinking) - was it rigged?
Video (ABOVE)

O what a tangled web we weave,
When if at first we practice to deceive!

Thanks, History Guy
From an avid viewer who has been sabatoged by corruption; which the courts further rather than fix. The web is facing its destiny of self-destruction.

There is nothing free about lawlessness.

      Ref:   https://thunderflower2021.blogspot.com/2022/04/titanic-1912.html?m=1

    Comment on Plantaganet/Drunk Driving ...
       Operation White SNOW 
My response:
​@MadTOM442  - A filled sander truck driver smashed his 20 ton truck head on into me, on my side of a double lane, no passing, highway. The lawyers who were supposed to be on my side put so much spin, including accusing me of drinking even though it was morning and I was called in to work a "special" shift - which I found out later they didn't really need me for!

POSTED 18Aug2023 

One hour special of hot topics, including a man who got lost in Yellowstone before it became a park (and probably should have stayed a reservation we could visit so the natives could keep it beautiful) 

Dr. McDowel was probably a Jesuit himself, roll-playing. His emphasis on military and a past President was kiss-up to Washington, DC🫡 to get money to pay for a new building. Voila, and the Medical Society is born - one foot in Washington DC and the other foot wherever their lord leads them🫣. WTF And then came pharma 🤥and their Pinocio noses get bigger and bigger.

Posted 8/19/2023 

Was this the CIA's first #AttackOnUSA, #FalseFlag intended to blame another country to incite war? PS Hello @Amtrak - they just tooted 🚂across the street in #SunriseCT #WarIsProfit

Maj General Cullen was on the C-124. He was "known to the Soviets" because he was assigned in Russia, working WITH them - probably like Colin Powell was in 1980's - which Reagan did not want because they wanted to incite war! Note, WW2 and Vietnam were so brutal, that soldiers would put squad leaders (and higher) in fox holes and kill them because their orders were simply leading to their deaths! 

History Guy explains an article was found in remains, which was not part of its manifest: a piece of  bomb belonging to US Navy! 
    Was it carefully planted there? Were they sabatoged? Did Russians pick up survivors to interrogate - or to save them from this already-proven USA run by traitors? 


YouTube just aired an ad by 4PatriotsLLC  blaming China for "hoarding food" and I was sickened! Considering China has been severely attacked by #WeaponizedWeather recently!

This damn phone keeps manipulating my notes - even hangs up calls! They just disconnected me with my doctor's office! 

I will be deleting these notes but have something on my clipboard I want to paste.  

Below was the SECOND ad,....deleted ...



@history_yt True Story on Staged Train Wrecks as entertainment in USA!
@Amtrak @bobforgovernor @FallonTonight @joeimbriano777
@BovierDon @kingcharlesiiib @RoyalFamily

Posted 23Aug2023 

Trip to EU still taking passengers

Trip to Washington DC  3/1 to 3/4 2024
    Cost: unk 
     Non refundable deposit: $250 
     Where they meet: unk 


I bet he owns a cat....

I bet he owns a cat....😸

AirMobility members - https://youtube.com/watch?v=N478BMshfm8&si=vbbLsh06Ti53oz52

Trip to Washington DC

160 500-pound Bombs blast away a train - Tolar, NM destroyed 9 months b4 end of WW2. #MadeInUSA #WarIsARacket #NoMoreWar

I tried to comment: I wonder what happend to the notifications of fine podcasting History Guy did with his son. But got this crapheaded message: 

Posted 10/6/2023 

Tweeted, but YouTube blocked me on your channel to share: 

@BRICSinfo @History_YT 
Among other similarities in war names used in the future,at 9:40 the US skipper was DONALD MCDONOLD. That US obsession for war is obvious. 🟢USS O'Bannon and the Solomon Islands Campaign - https://youtube.com/watch?v=8_z4MB5q1kM&si=OceLoQ7MQqIcwXjp

Posted 10/7/2023 

THG Podcast: Continents and the Seven Seas - https://youtube.com/watch?v=mCYFZNPE058&si=VKQxvOliWiZ3KW8n 

Posted 10/10/2023 


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