Thank you, Walmart

 Link to this blogpost

Ref also, regarding maintenance manager - breaking in my apartment using forced entry


1. $43-- promised as an adjustment due to my paying for what they said was out of stock. 

2. Twice a boxspring with legs was ordered and I did not get what I ordered: $116-- times 2 

3. Membership fee since there is no solution with cyber crime invading my account and giving Walmart employees dishonest instructions. 

4. This is way too much trouble for me to go through and Walmart loses time and money. 

Total:  ______ will be verified 7/13/2024 
Update July 12, 2024 
Mohammad sent me return authorization successfully even though we were disconnected. I was on hold too long -  10 minutes at least, and FedEx store was closing. Yet when I called back and got Tanisha, his RA arrived in my email. So I used it.
       Customer Review
Mohammed was very friendly and understanding I was in a hurry and frustrated I did not receive the return authorization. I told him I believe it was cyber crime! I got the authorization from him - though a delay in his email caused me to call again - and used that label while talking to Tanisha since I called again. Federal Express was closing. He helped me past hours, too! Tanisha told me she would send me a different label and told me it had to be repackaged. I know she was instructed to say that but I said no, I just got the label from Mohammed while talking to her and will use that because FedEx was closing. The tracking number is 38924812211250
I expect refund of the whole order since I did not open the box. Someone obviously deliberately shook it and this landlord has tampered with my packages before. I stopped receiving packages here for 3+ years. I made an exception to get the boxsprings for my bed, since illegal intruders who got my key from the landlord keep breaking in and vandalizing and stealing. They replaced my queen size boxspring with a king size, and damaged the bed frame,  so I have not been able to sleep on my bed since January 2023! And because twice I did not receive what I ordered (no boxspring was sent!) I closed the Walmart account because CYBER CRIME and fraud are problems I cannot fight! Most likely my crooked landlord did this and either the landlord or concierge shook the box very hard to make all glass shatter to pieces! I found it strange that Tanisha would be instructed to tell me to repackage the box I did not open. I am sure FedEx did not break the contents. They would have put a warning label on the box, that contents may be damaged, in order to cover their chain-of-custody. I created a blogpost regarding the cyber crime on my account,
Update July 11, 2024: I see no other choice but to close the account due to CYBER CRIME, Fraud, and CIA crime! There is no solution!

     While I was at the FedEx store, from 5:30 - 7:05pm ....

Walmart return took over an hour just on the damn phone! I said, Are you people doing this to help my crooked landlord vandalize my apt? Am returning "home" now! I probably cant post pics because this phone or google has disrupted it! 7:05pm


Update on July 7, 2024 

Regarding the boxsprings I ordered. Order number ending with ________

Description: Queen-size boxsprings 

They/cyber crime  reduced the picture to cover up the boxsprings with legs!

 Orig Descrip indicated metal legs and queen size box spring

Twice, I did not get what I ordered! 

FedEx tracking number was not significant to me because it was confirmed by the concierge that this large box was delivered. 

on July 3, the day after the maintenance manager was unsuccessful attacking me after he broke into my apartment while I was taking a bath, I called the concierge to verify the notice I received in messages. Lizette told me that yes, the package was there, it was huge, and I had to get it right away. She told me they return these large packages in 24 hours if the tenant does not pick it up promptly. "THOSE ARE THE RULES",

Update, what she said was the size of a queen-size bed, was reduced to a smaller box weighing 58 pounds, yet I expect I will again be lied to about this and she will say, "I never said that" to help this corrupted landlord. AND STAY EMPLOYED. 

Pictures I placed on this blogpost are missing, so I am. uploading again - of the packaging which was obviously altered: 


VIdeo: (stand by) ....

I was not going to keep trying to record the first part, "This is what happens when I call the concierge" because cyber crime removes it! 

And now, I am adding screenshots due to cyber crime now blocking my.uploading! They first slowed down the upload, which is a common trick, and it may take an hour or more to upload! 

My typing is working well as far as speed goes, which is very unusual yet refreshing. They usually cause a great delay in typing and a small paragraph of a few sentences can take up to 20 minutes! 

Time Now is 6:20 am

I will provide time of finished upload. 

These are the screenshots of my struggles uploading pictures; I will then upload those pictures from my camera...

Incase you do not realize, I actually closed my blogpost to remove the abusive delay in finishing upload. Yet oddly, that layered on top of my list of blogposts!

This is what the blogpost is positioned at in my Chrome; I deleted it because of the abusive "layered"
 Delay in uploading. Once I reopened it, that layering was gone. 

Here are the pictures of the package - which was replaced by the other package the size of a queen-size bed - confirmed by both Lizette and Darrel who worked a later shift. I obviously knew this was not the boxspring AND ONLY ONE PACKAGE WAS ENTERED RECEIVED FOR THIS PART OF THE ORDER.I am saving this before I upload the pictures, WHICH I TOOK,  NOT DELIVERY PERSON. I HAD NO PICTURES OF THE DELIVERY, BUT RECEIVED A TEXT FROM WALMART THAT THIS  BOXSPRING PACKAGE WAS DELIVERED. ABD INSTEAD, THE PACKAGE WAS ALTERED TO A BED FRAME. THEY SAUD THE LEGS WERE ON THE BOXSPRING, IT WAS ALL ONE PIECE WHEN I ORDERED IT ABOUT JUNE 29. FYI. 


Update finished for this section - 

One more thing, enlarged photo so you can see description of package, which is accessible in the system. I should have taken pictures of the boxspring package when I went to the lobby to speak to Darrel, since they disabled the concierge phone after I spoke to Lizette during the day. Maybe they wanted to get her to lie I never called. I even left her note to ensure she would not return the boxspring since she threatened to if I did not pick it up in 24 hours. 

5 pictures

1. Enlarged picture of package description - all 4 that are on my phone: 

2. My note to Lizette, which I hand wrote since I was in the lobby. 


Thanks to cyber crime, the above is what I placed on my door, since the landlord got soneone to once again remove the typed message I.had posted on my door - so I handwrote a replacement to have something on it as I was going to the lobby. 

The note I left  for Lizette was deleted by cyber crime yet it should be somewhere else. I will be back -posted 7:38am 7/8/2024

    Here is the backup.I saved in my notes incase it was deleted off my phone by CYBER CRIME - and I was just kicked off here to another tab created by the TMobile orSamsung browser - neither which do I use. 

Posted 7/8/2024 at 7:58am

Posted 7/8/2024


(I missed taking sunrise pictures because of working on this for hours) 

This is what it looks like now, 6:56am 

Hopefully I can get a little sleep.before I go down to see the concierge Lizette - after she arrives at 9. She knows my gmail is disabled plus she knows this landlord, who has an $89billion mortgage on this assessed $2.2 billion building- and got media to fraudulently report the property was sold to SOM Living for only $160 million - all lies - I looked up the property records - and scanned in the mortgage, which is when Microsoft et al, ramped up their cyber crime against me. I switched to WPS for typing documents... 7:03 am 

 she said. It did not matter I had heart problems from being traumatized by theI maintenance supervisor who broke into my apartment the day prior while I was taking a bath! (I had to continue to screem at him to leave, he was coming right at me, despite knowing I had no clothes on! I was wrapped in a towel and he was in my galley kitchen! One of the latches was so greatly stressed that it broke when the repairman I hired to install my bed checked the latches for me. In attempt to tighten the loose latch, the metal rivet came right off. He said it could not be repaired and placed it in a sandwich bag for me to take to Home Depot, since they have not done any repairs or maintenance in my apartment for 18 months.) 


And you can see the manipulations on my phone, through CYBER CRIME - they blocked my attempt to use flash on the photo. I was not using any "ultra wide lense" and if it was selected somewhere, the cyber hacking criminals did that! 

I do not use the HVac, which requires regular change of the filter. I use my own purchased Vornado heaters and fans for cooling. It turns out to be a much safer circumstance due to the abuse by this owner. 

Yet illegal intruders by this owner have damaged even new heaters and I had to order more from Vornado. They abuse power from having on-site electricity and internet, along with other technology. 

This is the memo I left for the management office, 6th floor of this building - through the concierge, along with my Section 8 Rent Check, which I always prepay for and get my bank to print due to a history of illicit records, including fraudulent billing - it took 5 years for them to remove thousands of dollars in fraudulent charges and even though they have by court order, they resume doing the same thing, fraudulent charging me, and the local housing authority only conspires with them over these past 10+ very abusive years. 

Memo of four pages: 

Note, not one employee called me from the business phone - I do not respond to unrecognized numbers! Due to this rampant cyber crime here, I am well aware of the fact that voices can be altered to someone else's. 

Additionally, I emphasize my apartment door was open for 2 hours on Saturday, from 9am to 11am - yet no one called me or walked up to my apartment! 

I posted this on my door as well as both sides of my door, on the wall (yet someone removed those reprinted postings on each side of the door) 

They now prohibit the concierge to email the office on anything unless it involves a case of emergency. They are not allowed to access the email system for daily activities, such as notifications on tenant communications dropped off at their desk. I have requested ledger printouts in this manner before, at which time they drop it off to the concierge and I pick it up. Leaving this apartment always results in ILLEGAL ENTRIES, VANDALISM, THEFT, AND POISONING OF MY FOOD - EITHER SOME OR ALL OF THESE CIRCUMSTANCES. 


Obviously the unusual aggressiveness by Lizette was ordered by the management here since the day prior 

Robert The concierge told me that packages are returned 1-2 weeks after received if a tenant does not pick them up. Not 24 hours! The owner makes up their rules as they go along to serve their nefarious interests and the management are just their puppets. 

I explained I had to hire someone to install the boxsprings along with having heart problems due to this trauma. 


(I have had a heart attack caused by another Connecticut landlord, leaching lead in my drinking water. It was affecting my sleep and when I had a sleep study at Gaylord Medical Center, I was told I had heart problems and needed to see a cardiologist. I explained this to the manager of RGIS Inventory Services, my part time job, emphasizing I cannot work in hot conditions and have to be hydrated, when he called me to work on this Party Store job. He did just the opposite, having deliberate complete disregard of my safety. They turned off the air conditioner causing the store to be at least 90° inside. Everyone was sweating. Despite assurance by the RGIS manager that they had cold drinks we could purchase from them, they did did not. It was their "perfect storm" to get rid of me since I inventoried what I saw, I did not play their games of requesting a high inventory or low inventory. It was a completely impersonal trait of being honest. I needed the money, otherwise I would have left the worksight due to unsafe health conditions. The following morning I had a heart attack. The paramedics explained I was having one when I was transported to the hospital in New Britain, CT. Though one ER doctor was emphasizing I needed to be admitted, since the machine kept beeping, the ER doctor did not want to admit me due to not wanting to get involved with an abusive employer, since hospital services in Connecticut give their economic society  priority. (Most of them are now run by the same Yale-New Haven Hospital System, which greatly worsens the safety of patients, and results in untimely deaths, such as when Beverly Washington was just admitted to have a bunion removed and died!) 

Update 7/8/2024. Beverly was a postal worker at Yale University's post office. She worked for the USPS for 42 years since she was 19 and was very kind. She grabbed my hands one time and told me she cared about the struggles I have had, and said to stay strong. I went to her funeral and cried much. Her death was senseless, evil - an unchecked infection from a simple operation killing her! Today, I was walking back to my apartment and some unk force caused me to fall onto my right side. Here I was on the sidewalk,suffering and two men in medical uniforms walked by, one even laughing, and did not even ask if I was okay! I later had a severe cramp in my left leg, it felt like someone was stabbing me. I used one of my coldpaks in the freezer and eventually it went away. 

Also,this is the email.customer care sent me - even though they knew 


These were reversed by cyber crime - I am not taking time to reupload -since there are only two. 

My main response to 3 customer surveys I got 

July 7, 2024: 

I am not sure who Daniel was, I spoke to so many in 2 hrs. If he was the last person I spoke to about "product information" he was thorough and went over and above in customer service. One guy on one of those calls upset me with no solutions, telling me to use their RA and I would have to wait 7-10 days, then reorder. I said "I cant do that! My small apartment is a mess so I could make space for the man I hired to install it and do more work for me because this landlord illegally enters and vandalizes my apartment" He offered no solution and said something like I would just have to wait. The last guy I spoke tp, who assured that boxspring does include legs and boxspring, also assured me I would not need an RA if I just return it unopened. And I can do that Monday, today, July 8. He was very helpful and understanding that this Federal Express pckage did not have what I ordered when the man i hired came over to install the boxspring. There was no boxspring. Yet the concierge first assured me there was a very large delivery. This landlord was so eager for me not to get it that the maintenance supervisor broke in my apartment when I was taking a bath on July 2! I shared all this on my blogpost: 

This was the only way I could get this communicated because of cyber crime, including gmail disrupting my gmail accts to keep me from sharing this. I consider Sundar Pichai a very thoughtful and intelligent CEO and love using Google Chrome. Yet it is my opinion that he has to rely on the Board Of Directors and others when making critical decisions on key personnel who are probably corrupted. That is my viewpoint. Thank you. 😁

I have to repeat copyingdue to cyber crime altering this when all I did was the same thing as before - highlight and select red lettering to emphasize this was an update. I am not the changing lettering color this time due to CYBER CRIME.


I am not sure who Daniel was, I spoke to so many in 2 hrs. If he was the last person I spoke to about "product information" he was thorough and went over and above in customer service. One guy on one of those calls upset me with no solutions, telling me to use their RA and I would have to wait 7-10 days, then reorder. I said "I cant do that! My small apartment is a mess so I could make space for the man I hired to install it and do more work for me because this landlord illegally enters and vandalizes my apartment" He offered no solution and said something like I would just have to wait. The last guy I spoke tp, who assured that boxspring does include legs and boxspring, also assured me I would not need an RA if I just return it unopened. And I can do that Monday, today, July 8. He was very helpful and understanding that this Federal Express pckage did not have what I ordered when the man i hired came over to install the boxspring. There was no boxspring. Yet the concierge first assured me there was a very large delivery. This landlord was so eager for me not to get it that the maintenance supervisor broke in my apartment when I was taking a bath on July 2! I shared all this on my blogpost: 

This was the only way I could get this communicated because of cyber crime, including gmail disrupting my gmail accts to keep me from sharing this. I consider Sundar Pichai a very thoughtful and intelligent CEO and I love using Google Chrome. Yet it is my opinion that he has to rely on the Board Of Directors and others when making critical decisions on key personnel who are probably corrupted. That is my viewpoint. Thank you. 😁



THE FEDEX DESCRIP.OF THE PKG WAS CONTRARY TO WHAT I ORDERED; AND FRANKLY I AM OF THE OPINION THAT SINCE THE MAINTENANCE MANAGER WAS NOT SUCCESSFUL HARMING, POSSIBLY KILLING, ME WHEN HE BROKE INTO MY APARTMENT ON JULY 2. THIS LANDLORD THEN USED CONNECTIONS TO ALTER THE PACKAGING - ALL TO COVER UP THE VANDALISM THEY CAUSED BY CHANGING MY QUEEN SIZE BOXSPRING TO A KING SIZE AND ALSO DAMAGING THE BEDFRAME -so I have had to sleep on the floor since January 2023! They also remotely turned off my washing machine while I was washing clothes and refuse to turn it back on even though 6 months later they did, to take my wash out - which in fact, they painted with black paint when they illegally entered my apartment prior to that! They then again remotely turned off my washing machine after my clothes were taken out, and were so stupid to say it was an electrical problem! 



I took some screenshots when they began altering my text: 

😁 7/8/2024 at 5:50am 

I had already experienced so much corruption in this state, and my father was not only poisoned by a paedophile priest yet my brother lied about helping me get my father safe and in a decent nursing home, and instead behind my back conspired with that priest despite the fact I told him he was obviously a paedophile. When he was successful in causing Dad to die, he bragged to me about lying that his lungs were bleeding in order to get me out of the way so he could make Dad die since "Dad is no longer useful to us" That trauma occurred in January 2000. September 11 occurred, when Americans mass murdered Americans, blaming the Middle East. I gathered as much info as I could, and told the police chief, William Sencio,  I had a large plastic container full of material which he may have to contribute to investigations. My landlord, a group of criminal attorneys in Fairfield, CT, obviously learned  about this and once again illegally entered my apartment and emptied the plastic container on my balcony.  I could only tell the police chief what they had done, and the publications were no longer available. My heart attack from leaching lead in my water occurred July 2002, 10 months after September 11. 


The concierge on duty after midnight, on July 4, was working a second shift, and showed me the box - definitely a queen size boxspring was in it. He assured me my name was on the box, that I was the receiver. I did not go back in their work area because it would just give this building owner more opportunity to fraudulently accuse me of something. They have videos everywhere. Security is a secondary issue. 

Their asset management/chain-of-custody process is greatly mismanaged and for some years I would not get packages here and since 2021, requested my USPS mail to not be delivered here and forward everything to the Postal Box I pay for at Yale University. My postal box had been in the federal building and all postal boxes were shut down. I rented a postal box on Washington St/Ave yet Cheryl the postal manager distributed letters saying they were closing that post office. Yale University had an available box so I began renting there. THE WASHINGTON ST POST OFFICE DID NOT CLOSE. Nevertheless, I have had my postal box there since 2009, which I have reported as my preferred mailing address, which was further turned into my ONLY mailing address. 

Oddly, Walmart recently sent me the craft tool I ordered, to replace the tool that was stolen from me, by USPS to my residency, despite establishing my delivery options in the account I set up, to include all postal deliveries to be sent to my postal address at Yale University. 

ORGANIZED CRIME DISRUPTED THIS. Somehow Walmart was notified to send that tool by USPS to my residency rather than respect my requests due to mail fraud involving this building owner/landlord. I got the craft tool out of this postal box, upon the comcierge telling me it was a package sent USPS. It is apparent I need to place a reminder to the mailman that no mail can be delivered to me at my residency and it is clearly my right. (despite the deliberate and criminal socialism that  takes place in this cortupted state)

As a summary of this nefarious interception of delivery of my boxsprings, this mail fraud occurred and cyber crime covered it all up! Walmart should indeed take full participation in this since I had not picked up the delivery yet and it was altered. 

This note is posted on Sunday, 7July2024 at 12:13pm FURTHER CHANGES, IF NECESSARY, WILL BE MARKED AS POSTED ON WHAT DATE, AND TIME. 

My landlord has shut off the following: 

1. Wifi in my apartment

2. The concierge's phone - they cannot be called anymore and yet the concierges work at that desk 24 hours a day. I proved to Darrel, one of theconcierges,  what they did when I call their number - It goes to a message indicating the voicemail has not been set up yet. He confirmed no one calls their desk. Additionally, they blocked email to them in the past 6 months. 

3. Management do not answer their phones 80% of the time and do not respond to my voicemails. They now have another trick using private numbers to return calls. I do not respond to unrecognized numbers! I cannot email them because they disabled wifi in my apartment. 



The following was already placed on this blogpost

I have shared concerns I have regarding CYBER CRIME as contributing, even causing disruptions in my orders on internet.  

Twitter has been a reoccurring problem and I have been threatened directly by Elon Musk. He said he would be gaslighting me. I saved the message on a few devices, non of which are sinc'd.  It may be he hacks my phone. 

YouTube frequently bullies me also by blocking my comments and accusing me of violating law, which I never do. I state my opinions. Another consideration. 

I block ads I find unuseful and frankly this whole ad scheme YouTube has is unuseful! The advertisers should be sponsoring the videos, not the viewers. 
It makes no sense at all to do it this way! They just want an excuse to steal our data! 

We would learn way more about products say, if @blancolirioYT could advertise products for pilots and fans of pilots. Not stuck poop ads while I am eating - and I have no interest in their crap! I have blocked them many times but they keep showing back up when YouTube wants to harass me for - like tweeting a new blogpost about #OrderOfBarbarians 

My order delivery is tomorrow; not June18 - June 22

Here we go, this IS where it shows total is $63.22 - but it really is 74.95 

 Could something be trying to steal your profits, intercepting your money? 

Of course, I do not expect a reply; I just want to show you this concern. 
My real total was $74.95; tip 4.00 and taxes $4.76 = $83.71 

I hope this is helpful to you. 


Posted 6/17/2024

10:40pm EST 

Walmart charged me $73.62 which I disputed. Walmart said the charge was $74.70, and I didnt check my notes to verify. There is a whole lot of juggling numbers with cyber crime. At least the rep, Tracey, was able to red-flag that to make necessary adjustment. And Walmart offers a discount for deliveries, for those who get food stamps. 

$49/year instead of $98/year.

Posted 6/24/2024

2:16 am - I am waiting for my milk to cool to add yogurt culture and set it up to cure for 12 hours. I prefer Sandor Katz, phD (of Cornell Univ) method (Greek yogurt results)  but Living Home Traditions gives a good one if you want to separate the whey out for other recipes. The texture is like cream cheese. 



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