O What A Beautiful Morning


#OWhatABeautifulMorning  #SunriseCT 

WELCOME: #NoMoreWar 



Insert 3/23/2022: @XiJimping @Truthstream  @mediamonarchy  @BovierDon @ScottyKilmer @reallygraceful  @BlancolirioYT 

US State Dept admits being 

international criminals! 

 "American journalist's warning - We are lying about Ukraine on an epic scale" #RussiaIsJustified   https://youtu.be/mvfyBBnHABE 

This blogpost will continue to increase with notes. 

All my ad-free, unmonitized, unmonitored blogposts are alphabetized to the best of my ability here:  

Thunder Flower Blog 2021 🌼  https://thunderflower2021.blogspot.com/2021/10/table-of-contents.html?m=1 




  The above was changed by CYBER CRIME.THIS IS THE REAL LINK: 


Posted 10/20/2023
5:55 am while my sourdough bread is almost ready to bake..
Note, though Mike Corbett has provided useful info on what is going on - he really messed up when Queen Elizabeth died - 

just as Truthstream Media and Really Graceful! All obviously paid off by Trump or other Oligarchs! Trump is more Jewish-alligned than Christian. Which I have no problem with, except he is a boldface liar, murder, and not happy unless he can bring in the criminal underworld - his first and foremost allegience.

They slandered her with "good riddens" videos, having never created videos in.opposition! Obviously pay-to-play schemes! Here they brag tgey are not like mainstream media! 

Please review my blogposts on QE2, The Monarchy -they indeed have been under attack for decades, by the criminal underworld! Remember who "The Fabulous Four" were in WW2? With other secret members,like (German decent) Eisenhauer? Churchill, Stalin, Musalini, Hitler -verify...They were all Satanists and relied on DECEPTION as their main weapon to manipulate the masses.

UK has a fine prime minister now, who wants to fix what is broken.And he does not sabatoge King Charles III. They work well together. 

The Isreali-Palestine conflict was spurred by USA, as they see their contuance of funding terrorism in Ukraine is getting serious backlash! 




I will probably be changing this picture very soon ....

Well, I just moved it and have an appropriate one for this blogpost 1/20/2022....

I wanted to create this blogpost now...

O What A Beautiful Morning   https://thunderflower2021.blogspot.com/2022/01/o-what-beautiful-morning.html?m=1

Hey, Friends, I am making an exception and adding these notes, & link given to me by 

   Jared Mastej Info Guy - I have personally met him...This is first time I have given him direct credit for references he gave me. This is one of many; he referred me to @DrMadeja - Dr. Carrie Madej - look her up, please. She was invited to use a GA lab to research real vaccines that are administered. They are poisonous bioweapons which also increase our conductivity for the sociopathic Technocrats to control us! 

@TruthStream @truthstreamnews @mediamonarchy @hellbilly902 @BlancolirioYT @bobforgovernor @DrMadeja #GlenAndFriends
1) Is advised to go along
2) At least 3 high members of the monarchy were med murders

Posted 1/24/2022

O-no...We won't go...

Operation O was a Gladio-CIA funded op and I will tell you more about that tomorrow. 

Operation O
   Is this a spinoff? #ViolentProtests
   5 dead from gunshots in Johannesburg
   South Africa - increasing security (Did CIA train terrorists?)

They made a movie of Mexican Cartel, Operation O ...

9yrs ago, Apple names this Retroganer Battery Removal Operation :o


Subscribe to COLD WAR CHANNEL 


And people in USA  wonder why @realPresPutin is resisting USA terrorist

This is why:

TO PROTECT the real Ukraine!

Subscribe To The History Guy, YouTube! Join his fun and informational "cult" 😍

"NATO's Secret Army in Switzerland, Austria, Sweden and Finland"  @ElizabethUKRPG #TheHistoryGuy https://youtu.be/IaQNG_MvG6Q

            NOTES  on Video
After WW2 - stay behind guerilla networks created
    (State-sponsored terrorism)
Katherine Beltin wrote "Putin's People"
Total Resistance - manual in Switzerland
3. RESISTANCE GROUPS - holding regular jobs, incognito



AUSTRIA - geographic hotspot in EU

1947 Conspiracy with US - admitted in court ...

1947 Conspiracy with US - admitted in court ...

SUSIC AND ROSNER were sentenced to death for this operation... BUT WERE PARDONED!

This is a common, nefarious occurrence! The court deliberately convicts, even sentences to death - the ones they directly or indirectly CONTRACT - MURDER FOR HIRE - and the cases are rigged to be overturned, pardoned! Yet the common public just believes they have been convicted! Justice Served? No way, no how! 

OWSGV - hidden operation
1996 - Boston Globe repirted CIa Arms Cash Account in Austria
   William Miller appointed:
William Colby set up
Norway, Denmark - set up
Finland, Sweden, ...
    Secretly set up!

Larry Tourney - US Green Beret Captain using William Thorn as his name...

Finland Ops Top Secret...further explained in video...using Library as part of their ops ...

1953 - Colby was transferred to Rome

British secret services and forces were engaged ...

Dave Whipple, CIA - admut admit, probably  vast presence yet not details

Where did Obama get his name? It was most certainly made up to fit a psyop, cypher, code agenda. 

Oprah Winfrey 

Barack BARON/BARY Obama

    There are many in history with the name "Baron" who were most likely emulated by this sociopathic CIA/Illuminati Cult in USA. Obama's real father was probably Malcolm X - Ann Dunham was late registering for the university in Hawaii because she went to the UN to get impregnated by Cult Leader Malcolm X. 

   Obama has shown he is obviously a secret cult leader - and has been a CIA agent ever since he got his non-deserving law degree! 

BO - Bowe - Beau - JoBo (JoBiden and Barack Obama) - BoJo (Boris Johnson) and more....I'll be back....

Bow and Arrow image - free game for a code, I'm sure! 

OVID, book published at MIT / COVID fraud .... Sandy Hook Shooting was a fraud also! September 11: Americans murdered Americans - that's why COLIN POWELL REFUSED TO AGREE TO WAR, YET GW BUSH HAD A MEDIA CAMPAIGN AGAINST HIM ABOUT THE GULF WAR AND NO WOMD! 

    How the f*k stupid is that? Bush begs Colin Powell to be his Secretary of State, then BLAMES him for fake info on WOMD from 1990?!! Colin Powell went along with it because the Media only care about lying! 

    The WOMD were found in Syria in 2014. Validated they came from Iraq and the CIA-funded operation which Saddam Hussein got paid for! And traitor Obama would not allow media to report it! Colin Powell had 5 minutes as a newsflash on Public TV! They placed the WOMD in a multi-ton sealed container, placed it on a retired navy ship, and sunk it in an undisclosed part of the ocean - probably the Atlantic - because the Technocrats obviously paid the NAZI scientists to cause the LaPalma volcano eruption - to not only create a mega-tsunami but to disrupt the tons of nukes that Bushes and CIA arranged to have manufactured! Their army of terrorists undermine our US Constitution, as well as murder many people! 

       I resent the trashing of Russia

        I resent the spinning of world war

        I have  stopped following those who do

        if this war is prevented  I will resume following 

        Russia didn't deserve this

        The CIA were created BEFORE KGB - They started the war of intelligence - they have no regard for life. I typed the full testimony of Robert Snogres on my blog. It was intercepted by the scumbags who abuse power and break laws in this country - THEY cover up.September 11 mass murder! They cover up all fraudulent acts, especially Obama's Sandy Hook Shooting fraud! Adam Lanza was not a real person! 

     ADAM LANDA was a NAZI leader! 

Subscribe to www.corbettreport.com and if you like music jams mixed with truth, James Evan Pilatto teams up with James Corbett in their weekly broadcasts "News Next Week" 


    There's #NoPandemic! Intelligence intercepted the real bioweapon in China! It should have diffused the situation but Gates' programmed computer said, hey, let's tell everyone they are sick until they can prove they are well, and they can't unless we dictate it using the rigged test kits! The world leaders do not want war, do not want confusion! We have $hitheads in media that only deserve prison sentences! They are the weapon for this Satanic Underground! WE NEED TO STAND UP FOR THE TRUTH! 

    (They also published Limits To The Grove, 1972 - same year Joe Biden won election which he proved no qualification for, and the wife he was cheating on with husband-cheater Jill, was obviously poisoned just before she secured her kids in the car to take Christmas shopping - intended to kill them all but she saved her boys by telling them to take off seatbelts and curl up under the front seat, feeling the poison working in her system!)

     This is my conclusion, from spending hours and days reading and watching videos - many of which were nefariously taken off internet because in Washington, DC: ALL LIARS MATTER! 

The round circle image is a Satanic image; 360 degrees - inferring creation/destruction of creation 

Quit Trashing Obama
By a Facebook Friend when I was using Facebook

    He also used cocaine, fulfilled the murder requirement for Illuminati 33d Degree (secret society WITHIN Freemasons, research John Todd former Illuminati Witch, he is in hiding but many videos of him speaking publically. I shared notes on the Publiusroots blog in TOC. Copy what you want. Make it your own statement) 

1. First President to be seen smoking pot.

2   First President to apply for college aid as a Foreign Exchange Student, get the full compensation, then deny he was a foreigner! (Search Barack Obama Occidental College or Colunbia University or Harvard University - and Student ID image)

3. First President to have a social security number from a state he never lived in (Connecticut) and it belonged to a dead person!

4. First President to preside over a cut to the credit rating of the USA.

5.  First President to violate The War Powers Act.

6.  First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf Of Mexico.

7.  First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party. (OBAMACARE)

8.  First President to spend trillions on "shovel ready" jobs when there was no such thing as "shovel ready" jobs!

9.  First President to abrogate  bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters.

10.  First President to bypass Congress and implement the
Dream Act
through Executive fiat.

11.  First President to order a secret Amnesty Program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the US, including those with criminal convictions.

12.  First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.

13.  First President to tell a CEO of a major corporation (Chrysler) to resign.

14.  First President to terminate America's ability to put a man in space. (Yet continues to fund NASA, which has been nothing but a   corrupted, fraudulent agency anyway)

15.  First President to cancel the National Day Of Prayer and to say that America is no longer a Christian Nation.

16.  First President to have a law signed by an auto pen without being present.

17.  First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional  and refuse to enforce it.

18.  First President to threaten insurance companies if they publically spoke out on the reasons for their rate increases.

19. First President to tell a major manufacturing cimpany in which state it is allowed to locate a factory.

20.  First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN)

21.  First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly issued years ago.

22.  First President to actively try to bankrupt American Industries. ie, coal.
😈 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿

#VietnamVoices Testimony sb heard, please! #WarIsCrime in USA! 


Spot on! "You weren't moral enough to kill people, but you got a security clearance thru #LockheedMartin" 

#VietnamVoices: 'This is nothing like any of those creepy Hollywood war movies.'"  https://youtu.be/KfO54ANjqZY  



@RKBntly  @KremlinRussia_E @HassanRouhani @XiJiping_Pres

@gpovanman #OWhatABeautifulMorning #SunriseCT 

      This History Deserves To Be Remembered

Subscribe to The History Guy for really good starters. There are a lot of bad history channels, so beware, be vigilant - because we need to understand what is going on! 

        WW2 - and The NAZIs LIVE ON! 

Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called ‘full Jews’ served in the military with Hitler’s knowledge. The Nazis allowed these men to serve but at the same time exterminated their families

The Holocaust

Never Forget!

Italians  were diagnosing Jews with a rare disease to save them from NAZIS -
Obviously Musalini wasn't aware! He killed more than Stalin or Hitler - 60 million! 
    Was Pius 12th promoting NEUTRALITY - negotiating with Hitler? #VaticanSilence
Many NAZIS were also Jewish! 

Adolf Hitler was part Jew - making him Jewish! He even mingled with Jews and a woman testified to dating him, she said he wanted to marry her, she said (probably to get her to have sex with him and share more confidential information, since he was setting out to destroy the Jewish Nation from inside-out.) It was never about the Jews deserving this evil - it was about targeting Jews as a weak link, to begin their death and destruction, reduce the world population! They are Satanists! Illuminati was incepted in Germany in the 1600-1700's....they targeted the USA to be made into their crime machine! 
    Holocaust of Natives! 
The USA was occupied yet due to criminal invaders, they practically destroyed Indian Nations and more! This cult-grip on the country existed before the US Gov existed! 




   Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called ‘full Jews’ served in the military with Hitler’s knowledge. The Nazis allowed these men to serve but at the same time exterminated their families




Seems like Bill Gates' COVIDOCRACY learned from the Italian medical heroes saving Jews with a #FakeEpidemic

       HOLOCAUST Movie

Part 1    https://youtu.be/TAfl5ChlAQM

Part 2  


Part 3  


Part 4 

    (I just noticed this is not provided here but I watched it)

Part 5 

      (I just noticed this is not provided here but I watched it)

           Iraq War 


Of course, there was no conflict! 

Hon. Colin Powell submitted his resignation! Bush asked him to continue until he won next election! 

GW Bush claimed it was necessary because of the thousands of Americans he allowed to be murdered on #September11 - along with massive destruction by his CIA. Americans kill Americans, then blame an iceberg  (oh, that was the Titanic!) They blamed ISIS, which CIA created. They blamed The Middle East! 

The Iraq War began on 20 March 2003, when the US, joined by the UK, Australia, & Poland launched bombing campaign. @Iraq  was terrorized!

 Approx 125 #CIAplanners -> #Sep11  

Posted 1/20/2022


Operation O
   Is this a spinoff? #ViolentProtests
   5 dead from gunshots in Johannesburg
   South Africa - increasing security (Did CIA train terrorists?)

They made a movie of Mexican Cartel, Operation O ...

9yrs ago, Apple names this Retroganer Battery Removal Operation :o

And people in USA  wonder qhy @realPresPutin is resisting USA terrorists TO PROTECT the real Ukraine!
"NATO's Secret Army in Switzerland, Austria, Sweden and Finland"  @ElizabethUKRPG #TheHistoryGuy https://youtu.be/IaQNG_MvG6Q

            NOTES  on Video
After WW2 - stay behind guerilla networks created
    (State-sponsored terrorism)
Katherine Beltin wrote "Putin's People"
Total Resistance - manual in Switzerland
3. RESISTANCE GROUPS - holding regular jobs, incognito



AUSTRIA - geographic hotspot in EU

1947 Conspiracy with US - admitted in court ...

1947 Conspiracy with US - admitted in court ...

SUSIC AND ROSNER were sentenced to death for this operation... BUT WERE PARDONED!

OWSGV - hidden operation
1996 - Boston Globe repirted CIa Arms Cash Account in Austria
   William Miller appointed:
William Colby set up
Norway, Denmark - set up
Finland, Sweden, ...
    Secretly set up!

Larry Tourney - US Green Beret Captain using William Thorn as his name...

Finland Ops Top Secret...further explained in video...using Library as part of their ops ...
1953 - Colby was transferred to Rome

British secret services and forces were engaged ...



Dave Whipple, CIA - admut vast presence yet not details

  I started the blogpost without saving notes ....

Operation O
   Is this a spinoff? #ViolentProtests
   5 dead from gunshots in Johannesburg
   South Africa - increasing security (Did CIA train terrorists?)

They made a movie of Mexican Cartel, Operation O ...

9yrs ago, Apple names this Retroganer Battery Removal Operation :o

And people in USA  wonder qhy @realPresPutin is resisting USA terrorists TO PROTECT the real Ukraine!
"NATO's Secret Army in Switzerland, Austria, Sweden and Finland"  @ElizabethUKRPG #TheHistoryGuy https://youtu.be/IaQNG_MvG6Q

            NOTES  on Video
After WW2 - stay behind guerilla networks created
    (State-sponsored terrorism)
Katherine Beltin wrote "Putin's People"
Total Resistance - manual in Switzerland
3. RESISTANCE GROUPS - holding regular jobs, incognito



AUSTRIA - geographic hotspot in EU

1947 Conspiracy with US - admitted in court ...

1947 Conspiracy with US - admitted in court ...

SUSIC AND ROSNER were sentenced to death for this operation... BUT WERE PARDONED!

OWSGV - hidden operation
1996 - Boston Globe repirted CIa Arms Cash Account in Austria
   William Miller appointed:
William Colby set up
Norway, Denmark - set up
Finland, Sweden, ...
    Secretly set up!

Larry Tourney - US Green Beret Captain using William Thorn as his name...

Finland Ops Top Secret...further explained in video...using Library as part of their ops ...

1953 - Colby was transferred to Rome

British secret services and forces were engaged ...

Dave Whipple, CIA - admit vast presence yet no details

@realPresPutin @ElizabethUKRPG @mediamonarchy @TruthstreamMedia
This 8min video affirms CIA & NATO are terrorists &will continue to terrorize until they're shut down! #OperationGladio
"Operation Gladio Declassified CIA Documents: Flask & Purpose"  - https://youtu.be/cViKuyJAqk0 

@realPresPutin @ElizabethUKRPG
THIS video is happhazzard. The guy in the Tshirt - Ideopathic responses.
NO DISCLOSURE of CIA docs - they either falsified title or video was altered by AI!
"Operation Gladio Declassified CIA Documents: Flask & Purpose"  https://youtu.be/cViKuyJAqk0 

This video has 1.97 subscribers with no comments but mine. WTF
Euro News
@truthstreamnews @mediamonarchy  @BovierDon @gpovanman @JoeImbriano777 @BobForGovernor
Red Brigades were CIA-backed!
"EuroNews - Interview - The truth about Aldo Moro's murder?" - https://youtu.be/ntB_VoBkwuE

#WarIsHell #WarpathToPeace
1hr 40min
"Martin Luther King's Eye-Opening Interview On Race | David Susskind Meets MLK | Absolute History" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/VMG9d-bBxKo

Please forgive if some notes are repeated. I don't have time to edit now

Posted 3/7/2022 

The G is not getting more of Me -
      They didn't sponge info, they grunged it and turned it into shit
      They want to feed WallStreet
       Because their real beat is MONEY
      No biggee that Z-Zelensky is a fake President
      Who went too far with a fake election!
      His affection is MONEY, that's why! And let him cry down the river!
      He's not a Giver but a Taker!
      Haters never win!
      They picked Zelensky Puppet BECAUSE of "Z" and Crimea, a Satanic Curse - to MOCK Russian Patriotism!
    They created their own schizm! And Russians proudly wear it to DRIVE OUT TERRORISM!
Z symbolizes the ribbon which will NOT give in! Zelensky is SHIT!


Driving out Ukrainian terrorists is NOT invasion, It's defense! #OperationGladio and many other actions used by the current and former US Presidents is clearly proof


Civil war broke out, caused by Obama and Trump and Biden picked up where he left off!


Does Grunge only care about feeding Wall Street too?
ZELENSKY is a fake, an actor, spurring violence, a CIA asset - to help USA invade Russia, incite war, and feed Wall Street! 👿

Posted 3/8/2022 

Hello - 
It's  3/19/2022 
I don't swallow my #Pride2022
Due to a medical condition

Other related blogposts on FRAUDULENT Collections: 
     List is not complete, I'm  sure! I will purge my blogs later. This enough BS for now! 

Fraudulent Collections

Fraudulent Collections AGAIN
(Update of Prior BS)
Note the Notarized Document which claims it only applies to me if I live in California! And yet I submitted it to the damn court, along with so much other supporting documents  - even though the case had no standing to begin with due to improper service, mail fraud, and so many other BASIC REQUIREMENTS which were violated!

Fraudulent Collections Hearing
Maybe, 2021

I just discovered this blogpost was sabatoged,  frauded - by the spineless shills who regard pushing buttons a brave act. 

There is a blogpost titled "Fraudulent Collections Again" which is more of the same case, located on PubliusRoots.com

I will share this updated info on a few blogs, besides this one, Pitstop of Information  October 2021. 


Fraudulent Collections AGAIN
(Update of Prior BS)
Note the Notarized Document which claims it only applies to me if I live in California! And yet I submitted it to the damn court, along with so much other supporting documents  - even though the case had no standing to begin with due to improper service, mail fraud, and so many other BASIC REQUIREMENTS which were violated!


Here is Page 49. 
Which is notarized in Florida! 
Which claims I have to be a California resident before their damn lies can stick - after all the politicians are particularly criminal there, especially Nancy Pelosi! 

Read on. You will see more fraud, Fraudulent Collections,  more CRIME - and it helps Jeff Bezos to increase his wealth from THIN AIR! 

You may need to expand this picture to see items. The document got went when I was drenched by a rainstorm that came out of nowhere - most likely caused by the spineless shills altering the weather! 

Remember how Trump kept saying
 "A storm is coming" 

Do you realize that RAND PAUL is joining forces with Trump - after all, they are both CIA operatives, obviously! Trump's uncle, John G Trump, made Laser  weapons for CIA, and other black operations  his whole career, along with teaching physics and explosives at MIT! Which is the school which Robert T Morris went to in 1989 and distributed his cyber worn through the computer lab - and destroyed all computer hard drives, BUT APPLE 🍎  - it's all rigged, people! I hope others do research on this and confirm if they haven't already. 

Could Albert Einstein have been a NAZI? 

🐦 Tweeted: 
Something to Consider...@Scottymechanic  The ppl who made this film sb screened-Canvassed To rely on a man-made device to tell you what to do via concept of entanglement and Q-Anon BS is psychopathic-not academic. Einstein/NAZI?  Einstein's Quantum Riddle | Full Documentary | NOVA |  https://youtube.com/watch?v=068rdc75mHM&si=TuUzuunwvILfcQ6A
Posted 10/18/2023
9:15pm EST-USA 

SCAUA! Hua! 
  Special Collections 
University Archives 


🩵❤️💜🩶🖤💙posted 3/14/2024 - 6:19am 


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