September 2024

 Pitstop of Information September 2024 

Link for this blogpost: 


References so far:

     Order Of Barbarians 

This month's theme: WOW 


    Yet the blogpost was disrupted by cyber criminals and the keyboard disappeared as Criminal Revenge for disabling apps that harm me๐Ÿ˜ค Rather than function as apps, they function as malware๐Ÿ˜ค



๐Ÿ”ฅWeapons Of War 

And so much more....

Warm-up: Story Of The Two Wolves....
It is 4min 1sec, set to music

I will give you the link when I find it. 


World of Warcraft is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed by Blizzard Entertainment

More pictures to entice your thinking cap. Later I will mention some WEAPONS OF WAR which you may not have in your bucket list. 

Btw -

This feeds the attorneys because when you need an agent, you have to hire an attorney! Do you really want that? You lose all sense of security. 
Auto insurance without an agent - I saw it in the window and couldnt resist! #DecideForYourself 

Okay - I confess; I went off on some tangents....

It was time to chill...
๐Ÿคฃ I can only do this stuff for so long and need a break...


My impression: They want to be recognized and will go to all ends for that. Let them have their space. The Order Of Barbarians dust needs to settle....

Have we arrived? You decide.

Time to chill...

I'll be back....

       Ref: Atomic Bombing of Japan - my conclusion, this was Organized Crime - no diplomacy by US Gov. They were set out to mass murder as many as they could! 

       A Titanic ritual! 

They assembled the bombs in Titania! - Wrong, the place was Tinian Island. Belonging to Japan yet USA barbarism including mass-slaughter of men, women, and children of Saipan etc resulted in USA occupation as they salivated over using it as a pivoting point to drop the atomic bombs! They had no freaking intent for peace with Japan, which started nefariously because they deceived Japan! And could have given a shit about preparing their own navy in Hawaii BECAUSE THEY WANTED A REASON FOR WORLD WAR, protecting Hitler, funding Hitler! 

The war only reflected 



The Devil's Chessboard tactics are to sooth consciences, yet they have many Bible-thumpers believe the "Devil made them do it" and there is nothing they can do to stop it! It is grounded in The Illuminati - Freemason faction - The New World Order Of Barbarians! 

   Most likely the alleged planet of Titania has some secret intentional criminal value! 

Titania orbits Uranus at the distance of about 436,000 kilometres (271,000 mi), being the second farthest from the planet among its five major moons after Oberon. Titania's orbit has a small eccentricity and is inclined very little relative to the equator of Uranus.

    Bruce Ismay and JP Morgan made the Titanic sink - all premeditated just like the atomic bombs! Feldman shares nothing about that in his film because he lets YouTube be DICTATOR.  At least we have something to pivot off of. 

I don't want to convey the following screenshots are random; but they all root in the Atomic Bombing and the Illuminati Order Of Barbarians...this is a hobby, so I am creating this very informally. 

This blog is very resourceful! 

Blogposts referenced: 


    Japan's Chrysanthumum!




Where did they get a title like that? ENOLA GAY? IT IS OBVIOUSLY SOME KIND OF PSYOP. 

Enola backwards is ALONE - were these all gay men?
Making another ritual since they are not justified  and this is more reflection of organized crime!

Posted 9/1/2024


My notes are being altered by cyber crime! 

Come up with your own list on Weapons of War: ie, Media Lies, Power Of The Purse, Social Engineering, Geoengineering As A Weapon, Pitting Society against eachother (divide and conquer) get my drift..

The physical weapons are secondary to the real cause, which reflects poor diplomacy, organized crime, horrible Foreign Policy - FOR STARTERS! 

 posted 9/2/2024 

Happy Labor Day = same day USA set deadline for Japan to surrender ๐Ÿคฅ To their Devil's Chessboard tactics! ๐Ÿ˜ค

Yet they bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki with Atomic Bombs in August. 

12:21am ๐Ÿš‚ 9/2/2024 


Today is brought to you by
Give them the bird ๐Ÿ˜ค
Cheap-cheap-cheap... says @Scottymechanic
Please DO NOT Buy These American Car Brands -

@KingCharlesiiib ๐Ÿ‘‘
Mr. Bean is certainly devilish....๐Ÿคฃ
King Charles Coronation But Mr. Bean Gets Crowned King of England As Joh... -

Make your own yogurt using method by #SandorKatz 

phD from Cornell University 

or of you want to yield whey for a recipe or two @LTHomestead shows how to make superthick Greek yogurt.
What Yogurt Does for Your Gut! Dr. Mandell - #MotivationalDoc 

@Russia @Chinagovt @IranIntl @IndiaInShanghai 1. Trump is very very loyal to BlackRock, owned by incompetent #Amway Billionaire Trump-appointed Secry of Ed -  #BetsyDevos' brother #EricPrince

@AJCGlobal Whats your point? Sarcasm? Red-haired Zuckerberg says HE is Jewish even though he is really Robert T Morris who destroyed tens of thousands of computers Dec 1988!

I will use my tortilla pans for the pie dishes!
Martha Stewart's Best Blueberry Desserts | Cakes, Pies, and Frozen Treats -

Consider Dec 1988 when Robert T Morris, aka (Irish) Mark Zuckerberg, destroyed tens of thousands of computers with the #MorrisWorm - causing heavy sales increases for hard drives. Voila, paid geoengineering for earthquake 1989, then rollout of Operation Desert Shield that turned into Operation Desert Storm #KuwaitWar, which had heaviest loss of life from friendly fire! #ISeeUSUnderpants
The San Andreas Crack Is About To Cause The Biggest Tsunami In History -

Dec 1988-Robert T Morris, aka (Irish) Mark Zuckerberg, destroyed tens of thousands of computers w the #MorrisWorm -then earthquake 1989, then Operation Desert Storm  #ISeeUSUnderpants
The San Andreas Crack Is About To Cause Biggest Tsunami In History -

This is a great intro to watch for Cascades A To Z series coming up with @GeologyNick as the #ManWithAPlan ๐Ÿ‘
Minerals with Willsey: Quartz -

      Intro to rocks - Shawn Willsey
Featuring feldspar "intrusions" (?) of consistently  rounded shapes despite having 90° cleavage properties  - how does that happen?
Minerals with Willsey: Feldspars -

My father owned a flooring business and told me formica floors were the most popular because they last forever. Many ofhis customers couldnt afford it but they loved the flooring.
Minerals with Willsey: Micas -

@GeologyNick  #ShawnWillsey
Drone vs volcano ๐ŸŒ‹ #fpv #volcano #iceland - 

๐Ÿš‚❤️๐Ÿš‚❤️๐Ÿš‚❤️๐Ÿš‚❤️๐Ÿš‚❤️๐Ÿš‚9/1/2024 - posted 9/2/2024 at 1:00am 

@Amtrak @AmtrakNECAlerts @MetroNorth
Good Morning and Happy Labor Day - esp those who can make it a holiday.September theme on my 'pitstops' is
Weapons Of War.
@Samlyonsmusic does a fantastic job reflecting Window Of Wisconsin-WOW ๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽต #BasilTikoff @GeologyNick #SunriseCT

Posted 9/2/2024 


6:22 am 


This Will Double Your Gas Mileage - Not! FANCY PANTSY SPARK PLUGS ARE ONLY PRETTY, NOT FUNCTIONAL. Maybe @Scottymechanic has recommendations in his store. Check it out! THEY will be cost effective! 

HRC could NOT win bc she got sick from being a cannible! Trump was hired by Soros to run against her to lose but tables turned! $250M written off Trump Tower mortgage by Soros!
What EVERYONES Channel Would Look Like if They Didn't  -

I bet they are in Las Vegas - not moon! We never went to the moon! @JoeImbriano777
Powered By Glitter ? -

Download Instabridge today for wifi anywhere!

Very helpful rock videos, thank you, #ShawnWillsey. Have you tried this app @IdentifierRock ...I tried to activate it yet PlayStore frauded my email info and wont fix it.
Minerals with Willsey: Olivine, Pyroxene, and Amphibole -

Just in: The State Dept has its head up its a$$! Ukraine has no govt now yet State Dept claims it is successful & "winning" #WOW - another  weapon of war: opening your mouths!
JUST IN: State Department Holds Press Briefing After Ukraine Foreign Min... -

PS - he said the Gov of Isreal - who the hell is that? (14min 7 sec)

BLinken is going to Dominican Republic tomorrow. Gee, a Samsung rep  there spent 5 hours just raping my phone of info & not solving anything 2 days ago. Will he get a medal now?
JUST IN: State Department Holds Press Briefing After Ukraine Foreign Min -

@GeologyNick Zooms with
Don Swanson: Field Work in the Cascades -
This was so interesting! Even for me, just a rock fan!

@Amtrak I heard the great sounds of the tooting๐Ÿคฉ railers ๐Ÿš‚ as they passed through New Haven, CT! 10:15pm 9/5/2024 ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿค— #SunriseCT


New World Order Of Barbarians - WW2 - Korean War (Battle Of Chosin, Chinese won!) - Viet Nam War - the USA is run by organized crime! 

J Edgar Hoover 

The cult of J Edgar Hoover/The Nation 

Hoover had dirt on them all, so he could make a little extortion game out of his job as he grew into it. 

@mfa_russia @KremlinRussia_E @XiJimping @kingcharlesiiib @JPN_PMO @fr_Khamenei
1. The bomber plane that massacred hundreds of thousands of Japanese was titled
๐Ÿ™ƒAlone Gay? J Edgar Hoover, the USA AG pervert=premeditated mass murder!

2. The pilot who did the mass murdering, & continued to bomb Japan AFTER that; claimed Enola Gay was his mother, making him also a liar, which is typical of murderers! 29 yr old Colonel Tibbets was made a General before retirement! He obviously wanted war w/ Korea &VietNam!

Posted 9/6/2024

Fix Your Stiff Neck With Just a Towel! Dr. Mandell -

This Gasoline Will Destroy Your Car (Do Not Buy) - This scan tool tells you if its bad gas PLUS is resource to tell you best gas stations around. #SunriseCT 

     I see J Edgar Hoover's Underpants
Atomic Bomb * WW2 * Korean War * VietNam War *Frauding Economy...

Give me a freaking break! Decide for yourself 
#JfKMurder by tranny Jackie; #KingGeorgeDeath - poisond t push pervert Edward on the throne; #OrderOfBarbarians #Illuminati #LBGTQ #CyberCrime
The Enigma of J. Edgar Hoover: Unraveling the FBI's Search Engine Legacy... -

Posted 9/6/2024
Youtube uses ads and notifications to commit cyber crime on a continuous basis! --3:14am ๐ŸŒป9/8/2024 

Do you struggle with serting your perameters with people? 

Only $4.99 

I've had a great experience with Thrift Books.  Any concerns, just give them a call. 

Posted 9/9/2024 

This is a very great deal. I have the Prepared Hero reusable fire blanket plus their Hero Fire Spray ๐Ÿ”ฅ

It's backwards....sorry 

Posted 9/9/2024 
6:41 am 

Notes from 9/10 were deleted by cyber crime!

See this new blogpost: 
Why didnt France say or do anything? Were they paid off so military could be slaughtered? 
Happy Americans Mass-murdered 
Americans Day!
Remember D-Day? 
D - for death? 
Posted 9/11/2024

WTF is "Official full legth videos" The question has more ins and outs than an apt bldg of hookers! 

--1:28pm EST 

Geologist #ShawnWillsey from Idaho visits Antelope island in Utah @SWFGOWildlife is in Utah ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’› Get Martin Tyner's book, Healer Of Angels
Marvelous Migmatites at Unicorn Point, Utah: Bridging the Gap Between I... - 

#ShawnWillsey is hosting a 4-part series about Antelope Island @SWFGoWildlife
The Amazing Geology of Antelope Island State Park in the Great Salt Lake... -

She assaulted her mother? Or is this a media hoax - pushing step mother down steps...
Princess Diana's cruel act - 

#MyronCook shows deteriorated Aztek homestead - made round - so the devil cant corner them๐Ÿคฃ @FallonTonight @ChuckNorris @joeimbriano777
Investigate mysterious features with a geologist -

@Amtrak @AmtrakNECAlerts
#SunriseCT is a surprise 9/7/2024 at 6:20am 


Static's profiling helps us understand where these NWO satanic imbecels are coming from. Yet only a behavioral specialist can define these nefarious circumstances we live in. Buddism doesnt worship gods. The Old Gods & Their Role in History - 

I cant wait to hear her future compositions!
King Charles Appoints Errollyn Wallen As Master of the King’s Music -

Did the earth begin as a fireball, then snowball bc of no heat? Could it be older than the sun? #HereComesTheSun #SunriseCT
How Snowball Earth Leveled Mountains and Created the Great Unconformity -

This video leads me to believe the earth is older than the sun. The reddish rock has iron, near the surface. #SunriseCT
Have you ever seen TIME? Let's look through the lens of geology. - 

Are they going to tax the aquifers too? They say CA has no good water but really is loaded with aquifers. Go to  #FullertonInformer
Taxing CA Farmer's Groundwater: Solving Crisis or Property Grab? - 

#PreppyKitchen says, It's like sunshine on a spoon! Make this when your lemons need to be cooked up before they go bad. Can this #LemonCurd for future use! #SunriseCT
Lemon Curd -

Livestreaming Thursday this week! If you like Geology, youll love this platform. ๐Ÿคฉ @GeologyNick
The Idaho Miniseries continues this week! -  i need a shower too. I diverted things yesterday so I took it off my To Do List. I also want to put a dent in my blogpost on the Normandy Ivasion and Operation Overlord. I keep shaking this to see if it has a checkmark but it doesnt go there.
I cant even get to the tool bar that way.
The technocrat a$$holes would call that progress! --6:24am WTF - I am still in my notes. When I cut these before realizin, they were disrupted when I pasted them back!

@TMFoundation Why not focus on the political crimes, corripted foreign policy - rather than "building character" and tolerance for the mass murdering this criminal #USGov does?

Just how many of those untimely deaths are really murders shoved under the rug?
Speaking of 1 in 4, that is about how many Nazi-Illuminati there are in USA! #OrderOfBarbarians

Never Forget the Lie but screw the Truth? Thats what the #OrderOfBarbarians have been socially engineering! Dr. Dunnigan reported this and had an untimely death at age 71! #SunriseCT

@LELDF American Heros All murdered by American cowards! This country is greatly infested with NAZI Illuminati Satanists who have mass-murder on the menu! Wake up! #SunriseCT



WTF is "Official full legth videos" The question has more ins and outs than an apt bldg of hookers!

They dont carethat
๐ŸŸขTrump is a convicted Fellon
๐ŸŸขHe murdered Gen Solemeini to incite war
๐ŸŸขHe went after venezuala, Syria, Pakistan, etc to incite war
๐ŸŸขHe mass murdered ppl burning them live to ashes at #ParadiseCA using laser weapons he got w/out #SecretaryMattis approval...

Every Child Deserves a Life Filled with Stories and Love #dollyparton #s... -

#MotivationalDoc will
#BeetIt like #MichaelJackson ❤️๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ ๐Ÿคฉ
Eat This…Opens Arteries and Increase Circulation! Dr. Mandell - 

@KremlinRussia_E @mfa_russia They use "notifications" on muy devices to interfere w/ what I do, push me out of the tab I'm on-other phone!
I could care what Wash Post says! I never subscribed to it!
Is Blinken bringing his guitar? Is Linken and Nod with him? WTF @RoyalFamily

Due to BS on YouTube, i make no comments yet these a$$holes๐Ÿ˜ค still accuse me .
Mamas that help sons kill Dadas couldnt be more down than that #JustSaying #ILoveSteveMartin #ILoveMartinShort #ILoveCelinaGomez
Popcorn&PickleJuice ๐Ÿ˜‹ 

This orange sure is burnt but beautiful to watch it flow
Lava flows from crater in Iceland during volcanic eruption -

How #Germany and #Denmark are building the world’s longest immersed #tunnel -

Why is it that the global organized crime of narcissists want to mass murder when in fact they thrive on people being around?

Celebrate! October 1 is #JimmyCarter's 100th birthday -and it isnt trending yet! Let's do this! God bless the Carter Family! Send him a happy birthday wish ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿค— 9/13/2024

@PrincessKate @RoyalFamily ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ™ Great News!
Princess Kate Announces She Has Completed Her Chemotherapy in New Person... - 

I love it!!! They smothered HRM @KingCharlesiiib Where's Queen Camilla? She's next! ๐Ÿ˜‚
‘Why Not!’ King Charles Shares Warm Hug With Women’s Rugby Team - 

Posted 9/13/2024

OBAMA PULLED THE SAME CRAP! Getting non-citizen, even fake accts, to make statements that

 Have no relevence where they are. 

USA refers to "Indians" as NativeAmericans as well as citizens from India = WTF #QuitTrashingObama 


1. Eisenhower was GERMAN!
2. His tricks were to rollout NAZIS terrorism! 
3. USA took in thousands of NAZIS after WW2! Search Annie Jacobson! 
4. This is The New World Order Of Barbarians! 
The book is no more than $14.99 on


Another Weapon of War: CIA

@KremlinRussia_E @kingcharlesiiib @XiJimping @fr_Khamenei @PMOIndia @JPN_PMO
My impression is he retired from CIA after living a life of crime & CIA requested he suttly reveal things in books to clean up their image! Video admitted a 2014 coup in Ukraine deleted on playback!

Executive Orders are no longer valid after the President leaves! 


Do I have ONE DRIVE? NO! 

Make your phone accessible to those who illegally enter and are curious if you left it in the apartment, which is your apt - which this criminal landlord helps themselves to! 

Posted 9/17/2024
@BovierDon says
I Can't Believe EVERYONE Missed This About the Adam & Eve Story - He says some really intriguing things regarding the Biblical take on creation, etc. @JoeImbriano777

Interesting comments; For emphasis,  leader of Poland welcomed Hitler - he wasnt phased. The organized crime was secret Illuminati  incl Churchill for the most part. Hitler was a psychopath.
Tucker Carlson - Historian Exposes  Truth About World War 2 -  

What BS about NATO formation!  Did they call for Russia's leader to step down? No! He was doing exactly what they wanted as a Devil's Chessboard tactic!

Rollin in dough!
How do I bake my bread, without a dutch oven. Have you ever heard the vo... -

At 37min they discuss double subduction and "the earth seems to like to be doing this now" ๐ŸŸขNATO was recently in that area. Were they geoengineering?
Yellowstone Hot Spot & Idaho w/ Karin Sigloch -
I forgot to add india....

My impression is that Prof Mercogliano has become a publicity Siv. Reporting without fact checking and they may be paying him "good money" - just like mainstream media.

The NATO ship in the Indian Ocean /Red Sea area was not mentioned it belonged to NATO and was not in a legal territory. There are some significant geological changes which are not consistent with world history, with plates moving. NATO could be geoengineering as a weapon and how often does that occur? Are they also the ones weaponizing weather? Someone is!

The Robert G Bradley ship was retired and dismantled when I searched info on it. Not a hero ship that saved another ship in the past few months. Probably a publicity stunt - like my landlord got media to report this building was sold; it was not sold!

He needs to back up his work because he doesnt have a good track record.

What's Going On With Shipping - has become a CIA victim of Mind Control! 
It's so obvious. #DecideForYourself 
Prof Mercogliano just tweeted container rates are way down...minor detail: only based on the #CovidIsFraud Era! Birth rates always higher than death rates! So they frauded the economy other ways! Including more spin on the Wuhan-To-Coronavirus-To-Covid bullshit!

As of September 12, 2024, the Drewry WCI composite index for a 40-foot container was $4,168, which is 60% below the pandemic peak of $10,377 in September 2021. However, it's still 193% higher than the pre-pandemic average of $1,420 in 2019. 

     I think Prof Mercogliano was MK Ultra'd since he came back from Boston, MA and spoke to Coast Guard and or US Customs at an event!

 Minor Detail:  No fact checking! #MKULTRA
As of September 12, 2024, the Drewry WCI composite index for a 40-foot container was $4,168 - 60% below the pandemic peak of $10,377 in September 2021. However, it's still 193% higher than the pre-pandemic average of $1,420 in 2019. 

Avi Kaplan - I'll Get By (Official Music Video) - 

     Static In The Attic
Says he has no opinion on fascism yet wants to teach about it
Fascism is a far-right form of government in which most of the country's power is held by one ruler or a small group, under a single party. Fascist governments are usually totalitarian and authoritarian one-party states..

Fascists often advocate for the establishment of a totalitarian one-party state, and for a dirigiste economy (a market economy in which the state plays a strong directive role through economic interventionist policies), with the principal goal of achieving autarky (national economic self-sufficiency).

I'll be back
Etymology. The Italian term fascismo is derived from fascio, meaning 'bundle of sticks', ultimately from the Latin word fasces. This was the name given to political organizations in Italy known as fasci, groups similar to guilds or syndicates. - posted 9/18/2024 


@Amtrak @MetroNorth
I just heard a friendly toot in New Haven, CT 6:20pm ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿค— Still recovering from the flu. Binging on @CarolBurnett3 livestreaming ๐Ÿ˜‚Dancers sang Chatanooga ChooChoo and Hitler's men tried to blow him up with timed liverwurst๐Ÿคฃ

 Screenshots from
 The Tim Conway Show 
@Amtrak Hello From #SunriseCT 6:40pm Happy Tootsday! I'll show more on my flu recovery screenshots on ๐Ÿคฃ

The Tim Conway Show -

Reporting #ShawnWillsey
Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano Erupts! -

Speaking of #SunriseCT, I'm still sick, coughing, so here is some ๐ŸŒป #SunriseRoadGeology with @GeologyNick
- PS: he & his wife Liz recently bc a grandparents and are on #Cloud9 ๐ŸŒปMount Rainier National Park - 

Posted 9/18/2024


In my opinion, it was deviently created to push NAZI Agenda! 

racism (n.)

by 1928, in common use from 1935, originally in a European context, "racial supremacy as a doctrine, the theory that human characteristics and abilities are determined by race;" see racist, and compare the various senses in race (n.2) and racialism. Applied to American social systems from late 1930s


This meaning of Nationalism in no sense implies any consent to the doctrine of Racism, which holds that unity of racial origin is the main principle of unity for civil society and that the members of each ethnical branch should properly aim at grouping themselves together into so many national States. Although it is desirable that strongly-felt national aspirations, which often depend on community of race, should be satisfied, as far as this may be compatible with justice, Racism or the Principle of Racial Self determination, as it has been called in recent years is a materialistic illusion contrary to natural law and destructive of civilisation. [James Strachey Barnes, "The Universal Aspects of Fascism," London, 1928



Good name! Because @VIviBubbleTeaNYC
makes you feel tons time better ๐Ÿผ
BUBBLES THE ELEPHANT - @FallonTonight @CarolBurnett3
Swimming With an Elephant! | Myrtle Beach Safari -  

Here, kitty kitty!Bijou's BFF 
(Bijou is @GeologyNick's cat ๐Ÿ˜…)

Bubbles is doing 
"The Tarzan"

"Come up and see me sometime" says Kitty Liger 
Posted 9/21/2024

Largest cat in Guiness Book of World Records ๐Ÿ˜ธ
Walking 900 Pound Liger with Jay Prehistoric Pets | Myrtle Beach Safari - 

PROF #ShawnWillsey explains
Ancient Floods? Random Roadcuts #24 - 

#MotivationalDoc says
Watermelon Heals! Dr. Mandell - 

Change the M to an H and you got #MadeInAmerica politics!
WTF is #WorldThinkForyourself besides the other one

He kicked her in the asteroid for impersonating him๐Ÿคฃ
Where's Willsey? Episode 5 - 

Was Prince Harry MKUltra'd after this? He really flipflopped on QE2! And the whole Monarchy
Prince Harry Cracking Jokes with the Queen -

@KremlinRussia_E @kingcharlesiiib @jeffsessions @Jamesmattis18 @RexxTillerson @Mike_Pence
So why is it that Twitter did not trend the supposed personal devices blowing up at the same time? Was it fake? Did they want to cover up the real cause?

This was attached to his video link but is now missing in my notes - which have been altered recently... 9/21/2024

     If Static only thinks 500,000 in Europe were Jews, he better stop the stinking thinking.๐Ÿฆจ You refer to them as Greys here in this video. The world's population was around 2 billion in 1930. That is 2 million times 1000! So 6 million Jews slaughtered is certainly feasible! Most ended up in ashes! How many people were murdered from the atomic bombs in just minutes? Hundreds of thousands - resulting in over one million deaths of Japanese due to radiation exposure. Tens of thousands of American military died too - not talked about!

Nobody said 11 million Jews were massacred. 6 million were. 5 million non-jews. The calculations regarding ONE facility doing all the killing is not consistent with facts. Hitler had killing facilities all over.
The Jewish Nation was one of the first nations on earth as far as historians may conceive. There was also Buddah, Tao, and Islam. Nations were pretty much defined by religion, which was their law.
Alinsky is no gentleman! The Clintons emulated him! Yuck!    Hey, can you do a video on AZOV?  Do you have a mailing address?  RACISM was invented in USA early 1900's=scam to socially engineer!
I Can't Find Find Any Specific Document ? -

       The Underdog of thought!
    I don't always agree with him, but it is always good to question where you.came from.

@BovierDon brings up topics which have been set aside by society. Read the comments; many are very interesting too.
The Entire Northern Hemisphere Was "Displaced" & Then Flash Frozen -

Rome - its Fall - Freemasonry vs Catholicism

The rise of Christianity and ending BARBARISM caused
The  Fall of Rome Explained In 13 Minutes -
They "needed" NAZI agenda to build power ๐Ÿ˜ค
The REAL? Fall of the Rome & the "Donation of Constantine" -

This person is not correct regarding Catholics and Freemsonry. I knew Catholics who were Freemasons and also Knights Of Columbus members - neither of which are guarantees for moral living. I have volunteered with a Shriner clown, who was amazing. The picture I retained in my apartment was stolen by illegal intruders who get my apartment key from this crooked landlord.

Overall, secret societies are a tool to engross society with the Illuminati New World Of Barbarism, in my opinion. And make you believe "There's nothing you can do about it. Accept it."

Posted 9/22/2024


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