State Farm

 Link to this blogpost:


Note; I recently had to revise this due to cyber crime deleting and altering info -which supports the guilt of this two-bit landlord that relies on organized crime to make money. 9/14/2024

Note! This blogpost has been altered by cyber crime; which is typical corruption here! I have corrected and updated,yet left the images as they frauded on this blogpost, at the end. Most are not even applicable. 

 They took the fixtures off both faucets in my bathroom in 2023!

The shower head was vandalized and it is only up like that due to a strong tape I got at Home Depot. It is silver and water resustent. The shower head cannot bemoved in different directions because it was vandalized by illegal intruders. 
My bathroom and whole apartment is extremely small. Others who do not need all that space even, have larger one-bedroom apartments. This landlord breached the housing agreement they made regarding getting free "Obama money" which was frequently given in Pay to play schemes,including enriching my brother with $500,000 to expand his business. That brother was quitclaimed MY store to build his equity and get a higher business lian when he purchased my father's business. He promised to turn over the money when he sold my store. Not only did he keep it all for himself, he cheated me and Dad - and Dad sold his retirement home just so I could get$10,000 in cash! I never was invited to his home and when I asked if I could stay overnight due to inclement weather, he flat-out said no.A younger brother I drove to work and he rode with me to go help two sisters during the Christmas holiday - located in NYC and Central NY. I was almost murdered by a sander truck driver just after we returned. I had no problems with my car brakes. I was hospitalized 3 1/2 months. And a crooked attorney (tied to mafia, so they kill you if they profit from it!) Took my case with my mother signing the papers when my father wasnt around. He did that purposely! His brother Donald Kendall paid a hitman to kill the President of Chile because he would not sell Pepsi in his country. Atty Frederick Kendall had the audacity to ask me "Why didnt you get out of his way? It was a sunny day out. The roads were bare!" He ran into me going the opposite direction on my lane on a no- passing highway! I asked. "Why was he even sanding the roads, using a spotter vehicle, even working overtime and filling the truck with sand to make it 20 tons before he started his second shift? Was he trying to murder me?" I found out - not from the crooked attorney but from paramedics and firefighters from that town! Just before I was almost murdered, I told a sex trafficker who was stalking me to leave me alone, he was a pig! My father heard me say that on the phone and said "Good for you! You did the right thing!" That man was obviously a CIA operative, as was my dad's filfthy rich brother, retired major in USMC. His son is an IT expert and no doubt has been a CIA operative. 

The dirty attorneys used bait of some sort to get my siblings to criticize me for "not doing as you're told" referring to the attorney who weazled his way on the case! Had the insurance agent taken charge, things would have been much different! Fear and panic was what my father felt, knowing he could be murdered if they didnt get what they wanted since my mother signed the lawsuit, and the attorney helped himself in my isolated hospital  room, due to needing people to whisper for a month. And after that, I was an investment prospect, with my older brother frequently asking me how much money I would give him from the lawsuit; retorting he was just kidding even though I found it offensive every time. I had so much trauma and could not recover as would have been right. I had no physical therapy! Both legs very badly damaged, broken ribs, over-extended neck which is a half of a  whiplash, worse than a full whiplash - badly broken jaw and facial fractures - I had a cervical collar on for months! And a mother who quickly got sick of me being around. I always worked after school and took on household chores as well. I had no steady boyfriend and when I screemed my brother's name in terror when in ICU, he claimed I was calling for a former boyfriend and for a long time I could not recall I ended  that relationship. I had a severe head injury which seemed advantageous to siblings who wanted to lie about the case as they saw fit the conversation. Which was nobody's business and they wouldnt even help me find out what the No Fault Law was since Kendall nefariously applied it to destroy my rights! The driver was issued a failure to yield right of way and more since he slammed head on! Pictures of the accident scene were stolen from me!  Attorneys withheld (the fact he was charged) from me and ripped up the ticket! I have been targeted ever since by these spineless coward bastards! With salivating siblings who only became bitter because I got cheated in the lawsuit settlement despite emphasizing what liars the attorneys were! It was all about, "Well I wasnt there" as an excuse, not caring anything about facts -feeding the beast of NAZI socialism,not caring at all about the pain and suffering - and lying ever since! Just like this corrupted state I live in now does day after day! I have stacks and stacks of papers trying to get my rights! I actually won when I lived in Minnesota - so they socially engineered people like my landlord to believe I was sabatoging them etc! No I wasnt! I had a good life there! Though my mother refused to visit even though she and my father would have the comforts of my bedroom and I had a very spacious living and dining area - not like the hellhole I live in now; which includes their putting my trash under my bed to replace what they steal, infesting my apartment on a regular basis,  and stealing everything out of my storage unit and only stuffing my apartment with the craft items, etc that had no worth! I have lived in this building since Jan 2013 and have been physically harmed severely, illicitly arrested by stalking officers - one who actually murdered two unarmed people on the job and got away with it and no doubt I was on his murder menu due to the tactics he used to try to get me to walk away -it is all organized crime using those damn earbuds being told what to say and do which has nothing to do with law enforcement! I cannot say anymore here and most likely these cyber ba$tards will fraud this with cyber crime anyway! They mess with my keyboard also, making every word a very difficult achievement! I was brought up by my father to not give up!His spineless brother who constantly ruffled his feathers, stole my SSN when he purchased a second luxury car -completely without my permission, and the only reason he invited me to his home to relocate! That went greatly sour! He wouldnt even let me get a temporary job or work for one of the local establishments - because he didnt want my SSNcirculating! His wife's name was almost like mine, with one letter difference! I still had bills! I owned a car! I left him $300 for two months even though I gave his niece Cindy a ride back to NY State and return trip 2 weeks later as well - and she insisted she knew the best economical way when she actually prolonged the drive 2 hours! What were they up to in that tank office at the Pentagon? I will never know.

The pictures of my leaking floor were deleted by cyber crime! There was no flood! I yet I may be able to enlarge what I took of my picture history. 

This heat gun worked well  yet 
they Spy on me and disable devices, despite even being new - remotely manipulating my electricity like they did to my washing machine and so much more!

The picture above has now been altered. It is a picture of my sink and the vandalized faucet! - all green typing are corrections 9/14/2024 due to constant cyber crime! 
They illegally entered my apartment and altered my tub drain which had no problem and I kept the basket in it cleaned in it - these scumbags took out the basket and the plug during an illegal entry! I got the silver one at Home Depot but it doesnt work! I have to use a plastic bag with a plastic bottle cap to keep it plugged for baths, which I greatly need due to the severe ortho injuries I had.

This is my tub and bathroom that day, 7/2/2024 - which is the day Emeliah Earheart was declared dead. They love to use events and dates - and if that maintenance manager was successful killing me that day, they would have built up more publicity for themselves attaching that to a eulogy or in prepared conversation! 

There was only a leak -coming from their fire system! I knew how it worked because the decent maintenance manager who was professional (Dion) told me how it worked! Dion left this building around 2015. They f*k up the fire system frequently so it was nothing new! I just mopped it up and planned to call the conscierge -since management always says "It's not my job" when I address the many abusive problems here! 

They vandalized my dresser, given to me by a resident here, along with papers to prove it was made in VietNam, who made it and when! These scumbags who illegally enter stole that proof, which I had attached to the back, and also vandalized the dresser -probably stealing my resin for epoxy coating since I only had the bottle of hardner in the box! It has been a very hard job to remove that shit! All caused illegally by illegal entries!

I am able tostack three crates with wheels!Due to help from Home Depot in designing my bedlifts! That way, I wont worry that it will collapse because the crates will hold it up!I had no time to get the crates because the bastards vandalized my bed! I had to sleep on my concrete floor for almost 2 years, with ortho problems! It became increasingly painful, particularly due to an incident when they kicked me in the kidney area!
This is 100% organized crime here!

The cyber criminals just deleted more of what I said. I have 9 crates so far; stacked in 3's and will add more as I can afford them and do like the uniformity. 

I recently got 9 crates which are on wheels,and plan to get more for uniformity.  - 9/13/2024 

    Ref also:



@Scottymechanic 😎 wants everybody to STAY COOL😁

Is Your AC Not Blowing Cold? @FallonTonight 








 Do This - 

Btw -

The following insurance should be illegal - and feeds the attorneys because when you need an agent, you have to hire an attorney! Do you really want that? You lose all sense of security. 
Auto insurance without an agent - I saw it in the window and couldnt resist! Lol, quoted from Carol Burnett Show's 
Went With TheWind 
And that's exactly what will happen if you do not have an insurance agent!

Btw - I didnt clarify my opinion on this, just made it a joke. The likelyhood you get ripped off by an attorney is much greater than by your insurance agent. 

This feeds the attorneys because when you need an agent, you have to hire an attorney! Do you really want that? You lose all sense of security. 
Auto insurance without an agent - 
I saw it in the window and couldn't resist!πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ #DecideForYourself 

    Today is 7/2/2024 

I prepared the following email and I am uploading ALL RELEVANT PICTURES.

Email sent 7/2/2024? No, because GMAIL disconnected internet! 

UPDATE: THE WATER WAS PROBABLY FROM TRICKING THEIR FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM AND THEY MUST HAVE RIGGED IT WITH THE FIRE DEPT TO KEEP THE ALARM FROM GOING OFF. There was no flood!  My heart is not beating properly today and I am vety tired. I don't have a blood pressure cuff to ck my blood - they stole the two I had and replaced it with a rusted out one  -3July2024 

Message to my State Farm agent:

Hello Chris, 

I greatly appreciate the time spent with me by one of your employees. I didn't ask her name and most likely would not remember it due to the trauma my landlord gave me today. The maintenance manager broke in my apartment when I was taking a bath. My door alarm went off! He obviously rigged water to leak on my bathroom floor - because HE said I have a flooded bathroom and had to enter. I did not have a flooded bathroom! I was taking a bath! He did something to cause water to leak on my floor. I mopped it up. 

This was a very traumatizing thing that happened and he said he was going to charge my insurance.  This was more vandalism by the landlord. I was terrified when I heard banging on my door. Nobody had called me. My tub was filled with water. I got out yelling "Who is it?" He would not answer! I said, Nobody can come to my apartment without calling me first! He left and came back, and THEN entered, causing my alarm to go off! I yelled and swore at him saying get the hell out, I am not even dressed. He said he would charge my insurance. 

Note, this was altered by cyber crime - I just caught it - because I said that supervisor was not leaving though I screamed as he broke in my apartment. He was called by someone and ordered out of my apartment. Most likely a federal agent. 

Gun owners would say I could have legally killed him because of that! I am not a gun owner and though I believe in gun rights, it is not for me and I think people should be well trained. -9/13/2024 

My heart was greatly affected (I had a heart attack several years ago, caused by a landlord leaching lead in my water, plus an employer deliberately causing extremely hot conditions, saying the a/c was broken but we still had to work doing inventory for 5 hrs at a Party Store - which also had no water, no cold drinks either! I had a heart attack the next day. 

I was sick for weeks and weak for months. The heart machine at the hospital kept beeping and one doctor told the ER supervising doctor I needed to be admitted. That ER supervisor said No. I said, "Fine, I wouldnt want to stay here anyway! I am abused here!" The ambulance report indicated I was having  a heart attack. And the paramedics confirmed the report was valid. 

I am showing you some pictures. Including my vandalized bed. The boxspring is supposed to be delivered tomorrow and the person I informally lined up to help me install it may be affiliated with this landlord because of statements he made. I called him a half hour after talking to your office. I cancelled arrangements with him and got someone else, but I never got the boxsprings even though I ordered it twice and Walmart employees confirmed it was as described, boxsprings with legs that screw on! I cancelled the account because cyber crime goes unchecked. 

Update: as it turned out, my vandalized bed was not caused from switching boxsprings. They used spray foam insulation where the legs meet the frame, causing it to be uneven and collapsing if any significant amount of weight was put on it. I can now use it. 

    My apartment has been vandalized on a continuous basis by this crooked landlord, who even refused to change my door lock when I moved in! --9/13/2024 

I pushed something on the floor, while mopping, so I had some filing papers and writing materials fall onto the water they leaked out  It was not a flood and the only way this maintenance manager would have known about it is if he caused it himself! THEY DO THINGS LIKE THIS ALL THE TIME! They remotely turned off my washing machine when I was looking at it! Leaving a load of clothes for 6 months - even with water - months later it drained out WHEN I had to leave for an errand! They then said they had to open the door so I could get my damaged clothes out - I hand carried letters of complaint about all this vandalism! The manager said the owner told him not to respond! It is still not fixed! One year and 10 months later! Though they said it would not turn on due to a wiring problem, the employee called the maintenance supervisor and got him to remotely turn it on to get my clothes out!

 THIS BLOGPOST IS BEING FRAUDED BY ORGANUZED CYBER CRIME! That detail was reported originally; I had to add it again --9/13/2024 

Will this even work?The cyber criminals interfered for over a half hour!

Of course not!  You cannot read what I typed. This was when I rushed out of the bathroom and some things fell -when I heard violent pounding -they didnt even use my doorbell! I yelled out several times, not going near the door because they were probably armed with lasers and guns! No answer! I yelled out "no one has my permission to enter unless they call first and make arrangements!" I posted this in my blog because police are corrupted here!

Someone must have seen it because I was doubly terrified when this person came back, finally responding and smashing in my door even though I told him to stay out and began screeming - with neighbors who didnt give a shit! - 9/13/2024 🟒 5am - no sleep!

The maintenance employee called the supervisor and told him to turn the machine back on to get my clothes out! He had just told me that the wiring on the machine was damaged! And that was why they could not get my clothes out for six months! I said, Bull shit! 

They also soaked painted my black craft paint into the clothes! Especially the vaginal areas of my underwear!  

Their plotting and planning obviously relied on a medical appt I made, and would have been in NYC all day if it was not changed - so they could harm me more while I was gone! 

I need to rest more, so I have to finish this email. 

Attached are some pictures. 

Their filing a fake insurance claim is just typical of the corruption that constantly goes on here - and no doubt the corrupted city govt is in on it! 

I do not like to use my name in these emails and cannot send you an email from my main email acct because they disrupted internet! It is all tricks, all criminal behavior! All spying on me to plot and plan what they will do next - and they do poison my food! I have been able to discover it most of the time, but was on Cipro for 10 days -- twice! 

I have more pictures but this phone is using cyber crime to block my sending - added note 11:09pm 




My pictures uploaded but some cyber bastard disrupted the attaching to my blogpost here! 

Screenshots - notice the times on the screenshots! 

I created this blogpost because GMAIL disconnected from internet to disrupt my sending this email to my insurance rep! 

Time now: 11:48pm 7/2/2024 

Time I begin uploading screenshots, since a cyber criminal disrupted uploading pictures:  11:56pm 

I do not use wifi on this phone yet the cyber criminals turn it on and even though wifi will not work on my devices with no mobile service - they use it to hack my phone! Probably TMobile - they are crooked as hell in Connecticut! And they are not held accountable! 
I dont select this because I rarely roam and consider it another cyber weapon!

The pictures of the leak on my floor were deleted after this!

More screenshots. Beginning with 9:34pm (time) 

They are draining this phone battery, excellerating discharge! 

I had to. Plug in the powercord! 

Time now 12:03 am 7/3/2024 

I only uploaded the above due to needing to test it because of more disrupting activity, to include needing to restart my phone! 

Time now, 12:14am 

They have now blocked the times the screenshots were taken, fyi 

I know where I left off...

And it uploaded quickly yet some cyber bastard disrupted it when I tapped SEND 

Time now is 12:25. I will upload the recent screenshots only: 

I had 44 total and will try it again...


Pictures will be uploaded after that. 


I will do half , then half again! 


One minor detail; I do not even comment from this device due to constant cyber crime by youtube! 

T-Mobile will not remove their weaponized apps! I requested Mint Mobile to tell them to again! 
No ID, not recognized number - probably Victor's private phone! I did not answer! 

I did not select the wifi calling BS! 
They changed the settings to benefit themselves! 

I deliberately selected 23 screenshots and the f*king cyber criminals changed it to 22! 

They are doing all they can to disrupt what I am doing! I WILL UPLOAD THE REST OF THE screenshots and then do the pictures! 


Uploaded pictures would not attach to my blogpost so I reopened the blogpost and closed that tab! 

The clouded appearance proves some bastard was spying on my phone! 

I will enlarge all these once I am finished uploading. 

Time is 12:52am 

I have been making boxes more decorative and use wood glue to make them more solid - they obviously stole MY belongings in MY storage unit and have been stuffing them in my apartment!  
Obviously altered pictures! 

Sunrise on 7/2 - the moon looked like a crescent moon upon viewing yet pictures showed a glob of plasma-like material - tgen the cyber criminals altered the pictures! 

They changed the queen size mattress to king size when I was out of my apt for more than 6 hrs! 
Storage under my bed 
This coffee had something drift in it. It was near my window. It looked like that unk microbe in my grapejuice, which kept growing to about the size of a golf ball! That was about 6mo to a year ago! 

The bathroom floor was dry by 1:30 - an hour after I was traumatized by Victor the asshole! Cyber crime altered this to make it seem it was wet! So he turns water on from somewhere - probably the fire sprinkler system - and runs up and breaks in my apartment telling ME in my own damn bathroom, that I am taking a bath in my bathroom is flooded! 

Finished 1:01am 


I needed to tend to the towels I used to sop up the water quickly. I could have used my carpet cleaner but because container of misc dropped on the floor, I didnt want to clog up the cleaner - they have vandalized that cleaner - filling it with hair! It took hours to clean it all out! 

I will begin enlarging the pictures now. 1:14am 

No leaking bathtub! No water anywhere! These assholes rigged the water leakage in my bathroom! All they do is use this building as a weapon-just like the attorneys who owned my apartment bldg in New Britain! Refusing to disclose who they were and Secretary Of State Susan Bieceswycz, however it is spelled, said TOO BAD, IT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS WHO YOU RENT FROM. WTF 


Had I not taken a picture of the incoming call, with my phone ringing, I would not have record of it. Yet Victor claimed at the door he called me but I would not answer - I said bullshit! You did not call me! So he probably used his private phone after that to allude I had a relationship with him. I do not even know his f*king last name and if he died today I would say good riddens! 

Time 2:01am 

I took a bath at 10:30am. I was in the tub for 2 hrs, had fallen asleep - woken up by the maintenance manager pounding on my door! I asked who it was. No answer! I said, nobody can come to my door without prior permission. You have to call me first. This shithead manager said he did call and I didnt answer! No he did not and I checked with Mint Mobile to make sure the phone rang - and it worked - and there is no evidence of a call in my phone history of recent calls!  
They just rigged an emergency to manipulate. So what if they waste time and lie like hell, and damage the building! They have an $89billion mortgage on this $2.2 billion assessed building! 
A bug flew in my decaf coffee ...I had to make more. BTW, They used my percolator and then vandalized it to speed up a rotten smell! 

Posted 2:20 am 

F*king psychopath Victor proved he could illegally break in my apartment! These latches are nothing more than FAKE ASSURANCE that nobody can enter when you're home - when these criminal bastards have the key to your door and get their kicks by breaking and entering! He was inside my apartment and I was able to hear him like he was in front of me, here I was almost naked! That f*king slimeball - and this f*king depraved place that was obviously built to be blown up and like Titanic, get filfthy  rich off dead people! 
My alarm will not go off until the door is opened 6 inches. It seems to have a delay incase it is opened by mistake with it on! 
It was difficult to find an alarm not reliant on wifi! Wifi is used as a weapon by these bastards who have hijacked USA! 
There are no insects! I need to finish breaking down boxes and tie them up for use when I get the hell out of this corrupted state! This corrupted East Coast! The tall box is actually my new Vornado Tower fan. I had to prioritize before taking it out and doing a minor assembly before I use it - yet these bastards will vandalize it like they do everything else! 

It is 7/4/2024


I left to throw out some trash and get some orders delivered.  VICTOR obviously took off my posted note on my door so I quickly wrote one before coming downstairs: 

I am checking internet connection here in the lobby. I found out they haven't been paying their bills so hopefully the money was seized from the fraudulent mortgage of $89billion on a $2.2billion building! 

Google search engine is still trying to steal Google Chrome! Pathetic! 

I had to close this window and open a new one before that nefarious Gotit message would go away. 

Posted 4;19am 


UPDATE 8/3/2024 and 8/9/2024 (previously went to the post office on 7/22/2024) 

    They remotely locked the exit door to the stairwell as I was trying to leave on 7/31/2024

 and I was further bullied at Yale Post Office just minutes after leaving through the garage! 


My mailbox was unlocked by someone and yet they claimed to not have a spare key for the box! 
Three segments of 5min  recorded conversation

Most likely this will be deleted by cyber crime again! I had to reupload it 7/9/2024 

This is my typed complaint, which I am hand-carrying today:  

I did not save this sideways! It was altered! The picture is upright in the saved file! There is no edit feature to revert it as it shows in my file! 

As you can see, the image is not sideways. 

      End of update 8/9/2024 

Update 7/13/2024

Hole in pants reflecting the pervs butt-f*king
Someone stepped on the scissors and the piece they broke off is gone - they were on my bathroom floor - when is someone going to step on the perverted bastards who keep vandalizing and stealing?
Brand new $15 pkg of napkins i got at Walmart - stolen! I use napkins to decorate boxes, which also makes them sturdy since I use wood glue. 
The napkins turned back up. I forgot to correct this. 7/22/2024 
A strange popup message saying "Trust your institution" just came on my f*king invaded screen and i tried to make a screenshot but it disappeared! 
Posted 1:48pm 

How can a security system service be useful if the first thing they do is violate your security? 

There was no chat session!

If they rely on internet, you are screwed already! Internet is run by organized crime in USA! 

I notice how my images are no longer posted in chronological order - but reverse chronological order. WELCOME TO CYBER CRIME, WHERE TECHNOCRATS DO AS THEY DAMN PLEASE BECAUSE THE USA IS FAR FROM BEING A FREE COUNTRY! 



posted 7/14/2024 


Illegal intruders douced a container on my bread board with sugar. fruit flies kept swarming around my sourdough starter. I Began cleaning it up and thought I should take pictures.

I spray rubbing alcohol, highest strength I can find. It kills these fruit flies on contact and not harmful to my skin, etc. I think I got them all by locating the sugar these scumbags planted. 

There have been other incidents in the past 3 weeks; I will see if I can locate those pictures .... 7/22/2024 🌻 10:57pm 

The illegal intruders often mark things with black paint. My sink was marked with black paint recently.

I store extra cans of fruit, vegetables, legumes incase of emergency. The floor was lined to keep the cans from touching the floor. 

An illegal intruder switched my good cans to their damaged cans, including gross canned pork! A woman who said she was homeless (lying and probably a CIA operative) was given these 5 cans of pork by me. I told her I had given them away 5+ years ago yet these were placed in my apt by illegal intruders. I got them at the food bank and gave them away. 5 cans were put back in my apt after I did that! 

I have not been to the food bank for over 5 years. For one thing, it is not a pleasant experience to be stalked by people who know when I am going somewhere! They are not investigators protecting the community. 


I do not like this canned pork crap and it was not in my apartment. 
A box I had other cans stored was filled with water from the inside, yet outside was dry. I was  Obviously glad to catch this act of vandalism before the cans were damaged. 

. my 
The above picture is unfamiliar and probably created by cyber crime. Not anything in my bathroom!

They removed the end pieces to my tub and sink faucets and the water has sprayed all over since Jan 2023! 

I don't always know when my sour dough starter is ready to use,which can be a drawback because I have to stop and make bread. Though others claim you can put it in the refrigerator for later use, I rarely do that. 
Cyber Crime.

The word MONEY has the word "one" in it. And notice what is left, MY!  There have been excellent videos made by theorists who supported their case that the New World USA English had been crafted by Freemasons, as a means of mind control. 

I consider this invasive ONE UI to be malware. It was forced on my phone recently. 😀

Posted 11:38pm 

Also, I happen to find this gross jar of sourdough starter, obviously put in my refrigerator by these spineless pigs that illegally enter all the time! There are obvious insects in it - this is one of the reasons I do not like to keep my starter in my refrigerator! Due to constant vandalism! 

I clean out my fridge every day; yet when I leave, I have to go through everything when I return - this jar is just one reason why! I will need to go through every shelf now, just because I was gone from 3:30 to 5:30 And it seemed like just an hour. So was I stunned with something? I had to walk back to get my keys. They said I left my keys in my mailbox. That is a possibility yyet the real odd thing is a Yale police officer came in after I got my mail out of my post office box. I was using the counter facing the clerks. Oddly, my purse fell on the floor and I did not even touch it. I wanted to finish writing a card and then I would pick it up. It was adjacent to the corner of the counter, and I could see it. 

The officer walked in the area where my post office box is. She said nothing about anyone's keys being in the po box. Maybe someone stole them out of my purse and put them in my po box to make it look like I left them there. I need to put a lock on my purse again, I see that. The clerks are always helpful and friendly there. But the Skull & Bones Agenda is always brewing at Yale. 

Keep track of your time, people, because this underworld is constantly up to no good! 

These lumps are obviously insects  

I never have dirty jars. After pouring the sourdough for making bread, I feed it or combine it with another jar if I have one, then change jars. They may be poisoning my sourdough on a regular basis.  
Why do they get away with all these crimes in a supposedly luxury complex? Because the plutocracy is organized crime! 

This country should be placed under international arrest to swiftly remove this underworld, and seize their assets! 

12:26 am 

I didn't remember to check my garbage disposal

yesterday. Today I did and this is more proof why I have to every time I leave my apartment! Yes, that is a plastic cap, and most likely they hid metal in with garbage. I have to manually remove it all. How many times do they wreck garbage disposals and make insurance claims? 


My Tub Drain - vandalized during illegal entry 

I had a very efficient drain which included a basket inside which I kept clean. 5 yrs ago someone illegally entered and installed one that was impossible to remove and clean out, deliberately  proving they wanted to plug my drain! After all, this inefficient maintenance only know how to vandalize! They obviously submit fraudulent imsurance claims on a regular basis! 

I would use pliars and pull it out anyway to keep that area clean because there was no basket/catch for it. The rubber was partly torn after a few years of my doing that. I mentioned to the FBI supervisory agent I kept in touch with that they were somehow using a remote device to make the water drain out and I have had to keep refilling the tub for 3+ years. Forget about the lame incomperent and dishonest  housing people to do anything! And when they tried  to illegally evict me using a dishonest judge, I brought up all the horrible things they do here, including getting state police to falsely arrest me. My efforts in sending faxes to John Boehner in Congress probably resulted in passing the buck to this crime-infested state which also promotes paedophilia. Even though the whole point of my sending it there was BECAUSE ORGANIZED CRIME RUNS THIS STATE. 

I sent some letters to Hon. Colin Powell because I mentioned I was being cheated again by this dishonest landlord and the case had no merit and should have been dismissed, since I paid my Section 8 rent on time. I think he got hold of people he knew in the housing system and they let that judge know he cannot get away with breaking the law to bully me, which was also breaking the law. That is how I won a case that had no merit to begin with and the landlord should have been charged for fraud and probably racketeering. They obviously had an Obama crime plan which they wanted to get away with and make loads of money by cheating the economy. 

So now, recently they illegally entered again - and to think the short order cook maintenance supervisor illegally entered is a most horrifying thought for me since he traumatized me on July 2, breaking in using forced entry, and my screaming resulted in more aggression! Fortunately he was ordered by someone to get out! 

I share that experience here: 

I have to see if I can find a plug that will keep them from vibrating it out to cause water to drain out. Using a building as a weapon is very typical by the city government conspirators here. 

I have some current photos. 

This inefficient plug was literally attached to something so it could not be taken out and everything was going down. The maintance said stupid things like "oh, they must be experimenting on your apartment" or "That long hair of yours is a problem" WTF! 

I shared those things with the FBI agent, always telling him he is welcome to see this if it may interest him. Upon returning from doing errands, a kind person ripped this horrible contraption out yet the drain is still not working. THIS IS A VERY ABUSIVE PLACE! 

The white plastic and some kind of glue around the rim was recently installed. So when I have the drain fully plugged using my own efforts, the pipes vibrate increasingly, like something is attempting to pull the water out of my tub. 

I have to intercept my hair going down the drain. You can imagine how dificult that is! I purchased a replacement yet it is not even the type that should be on this damaged drain. 

This dishonest maint supervisor also vandalized my sink - and both faucets were literally taken apart. He would do nothing about the parts they illegally took off plus he obviously stuffed hair down my sink, using a flat tool and quickly grabbing out what he obviously stuffed down! He lied about needing to take the sink apart. I said, "Bullshit! I do not believe you!" He literally stuffed that same hair back down the drain, as if I would not notice! I used a tool and got it out and the drain worked fine, until the next time they vandalized it! I used Draino and that took care of whatever damage he did to the sink thereafter. They stopped responding almost 2 yrs ago, and fail to do any maintenance here, but sure have enjoyed vandalizing AND TERRORIZING! THE MAINTENANCE MANAGER SHOULD BE ARRESTED FOR BREAKING AND ENTERING! OBVIOUSLY PROVING THE CONTINUOUS ILLEGAL ENTRIES ARE DONE BY MAINTENANCE! 

Posted 8/1/2024 

All my notes were deleted! 

Constant cyber crime! 

My dresser update Vandalized from epoxy resin poured in linseed oil! 

I am not finished. This is an all-weekend project because it is hard on my arms. 

The pictures wont upload. I will keep trying 

This is my bed they vandalized. Free standing legs in leglifts are missing. Plus they changed queensize boxspring to kingsize. I  had to sleep on the floor over 18 months. The concierge would return my boxsprings when ordered. Obviously the owner, Bozzuto, wanted her to do that. So I had to do something else. 

The resin thatwas mixed in with my linseed oil was blowing onto my patio bed. I keep my fan on anyway.  Once I can get the mattress and box springs transported to recycling, I will move the patio bed over there. 

What a mess it is to clean off! 

Hopefully I will not run out of this stuff. 
Much improvement but took a lot of scrubbing! Restored to condition it was when it was given to me, which stayed that way until my linseed oil was contaminated. They stole the documentation that proved it was antique years ago! It was kept secure on the back by the nice residents who gave it to me! Her husband fought in VietNam and bought it while he was over there. 

Such an awful mess! All caused by illegal intruders!

This is the scrubber I got at Home Depot. It scrubs this resin off but retains its finish. I get help.from the employees on everything! 

This is an all-weekend project. 😀
~5:20pm 🌻 8/17/2024 

The T-Mobile browser that DOES NOT HAVE MY PERMISSION TO INVADE MY PHONE is obviously disrupting / deleting what I type or upload - they are nothing but a f*cking MALWARE! 😀
The messages in black are probably T-Mobile, though I disabled the 2 apps. I could not uninstall them. Maybe it IS blogger, which I hope Sundar Pichai's office can investigate. 

This faucet only has one finger/thumb from the vandalized plastic gloves because the other thumb was destroyed by the scumbags that illegally enter. So it may not last long. 
The drain is a problem due to their vandalizing it. Meantime I use a plastic bag with a bottle cap to plug it. 

This is two fingers overlapping and quite secure. I should paint it black to humor myself πŸ˜‚ and kung-FU 😀 the criminal  landlord!

At least no more spraying all over the place so I can wash my hands, I can have water fill my clothes washing buckets without having to hold onto the buckets because the water sprays all over! 
Posted 8/17/2024🌻8:24pm

This phone is causing my other phone to dysfunction! 
I will tell you, this phone is a cyber weapon and has caused physical harm to me abd also moves objects - probably through an EMP. 

The Goo BeGone was pushed on the floor by vibrating the can next to it - and I dont have enough to finish this project now. 

Video did not upload 

And I just found out they want to do MORE updating ....
My suspicion is to make tgis cyber weapon even more lethal! 

They never te us what the hell they are doing!

I had a nightmare that a  nurse made her injured patient take a bath that seemed like acid. I couldn't take it anymore and hit her over the head and took him out. That was the end of my dream so I dont know if he survived. 

This society is getting people in service positions to do the most barbaric things and calmly enjoy it. 

My brother wanted a nurse to collapse my father's lungs. My father dud not want to die. My brother had his meds taken away. My brother admitted he lied about his lungs bleeding to get Dad to die. "He's no good to us anymore" he said. 

I kept telling the nurse to stop and my own mother told me to shut up or she would havr security throw me out. Her exact words! Dad stayed alive for as long as he could. They killed him and nobody cared. My sister refused to get help. Just wanted to please my mother. Even though I asked her to get help, they were killing my father. That sister passed away yet a brother unexpectedly came to this complex and said he wanted to take me to her because she was sick. I listened to his voicemail and knew he was up to no good! Using the concierge's phone as a disguise. 
I searched Google Chrome and found out she had passed away a week before in 2018. 

The World order of barbarians is trying to take shape!


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