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Instacart order - shopping at Price Rite, Hamden, CT 


The problem is CYBER CRIME! 😀 

Actual line items: 53 

Line items by Instacart: 35 

Total by Instacart: 

$172.03/$180.24 ?? Changed to $152.06

       Based on my ORDER

     Not what was received9! 

My total; $236.85 *subject to change, needs verification - I will return here 

Follow-up withZinhle; Order No. 141082706284

Follow-up with Zinhle; Order No. 141082706284

I will produce a list of my line items and mark them off as received and used. 

Right now, I am exhausted. It is 11:38 and I only had 3 hours sleep today after being up all night last night. 

My new link is

.....I will return tomorrow 

Here are some screenshots; I will explain tomorrow.

I didnt order clothes! - this reflects the Walmart complaint since they charged me twice for items; they also charged me for groceries I never got;  a charger cord for my laptop since mine was stolen by illegal invaders; furniture flatbed to make my kitchen shelves mobile so I can access my closet with ease in this immensley small apartment, certainly not consistent with what they issue to other single section 8 people who have one-bedroom apartments!;

 keyboard for my tablet

 (prior separate order and they instead delivered one for a laptop so I returned it and got thevright one -customer service was very understanding and helpful) ,my prior one which was stolen - was put back in my apartment by criminal operatives who are rewarded for being psychopaths,]

and some craft paint and glue! Yet they shorted the order on wood glue! 

What goes WRONG is CYBER CRIME! 

NOTICE HOW MY PHONE MESHES THE WALMART ORDER WITH PRICE RITE! I HAD TO CANCEL THE WALMART GROCERY ORDER!Too much cyber crime, and no solutions! Processing payment 4 times yet it repeatedly did the same thing, probably to steal passwords, etc! 
This is how I ordered on Instacart! 
That's because the TECHNOCRACY have secret Cortanas - and more! 
Google Assistant possibly too...

I got NO GROCERIES from Walmart yet they charged me several times! Including the $84! They take out money without my authorization before checkout, then say INSUFGICIENT FUNDS! 

Instacart also tries to do this!They claim it is to see if I have sufficient funds BEFORE I PAY - I said, "Why? JUST DETERMINE THAT WHEN THE TRANSACTION  IS MADE! THIS IS FRAUD AND THEFT OF MY MONEY. Just $1 taken out would satisfy that unecessay purpose" 

Mint Mobile sent me a notice telling me they charged me $120 - not $130 - so why is $130 being taken out? 



       Update: My account balance was adjusted by my bank and hopefully alerted good bankers that this was a fraud scheme. - posted 6/26/2024

84.28 was taken out of my account, yet disappeared and I did not see any improvement in my balance - and this was a Walmart Charge; they "processed", taking my money, then  posted  $79 taken out and I had to file a claim against them. Both amounts were pulled from my balance; then the 84.28 "disappeared" showing no debits and credits, which is absolutely nefarious. 


They changed groceries to General Merchandise! I did not even get groceries! My general merchandise order was made almost a week before that. They took the money out twice, too, which is theft. The posted amounts did not change the balance on my acct. This juggling is a haphazzard method and they violate customers by stealing our money for any amount of time. In my case it was about 4 days. 

THIS WAS FRAUDED; THIS IS MY MINT MOBILE PAYMNT; NOTHING TO DO WITH INSTACART. T-Mobile is up to no good again, I suspect.  - POSTED 6/22/2024 
$120, not $130
Understand they 
Fraud on a regular
Basis! Founder of
Instacart is 
DEC 1988 - "THE BURN"

I kept transferring money because they kept TAKING my money! 

Every time I ordered online, I wrote down the


for the line item 

I will type this (above) today. 

My phone was at 100% charge when I began using it this morning. They powered it down to 5% in attempt to disrupt what I am doing - to cover up their crimes! 
Fortunately I had my power cord handy - unlike with my laptop, where the ILLEGAL APARTMENT INVADERS stole my power cord and I had to order a new one through Walmart - they hit my account with 2 nefarious charges before I checked out, and the only way I coud get the products was to transfer more money to my checking, even though they stole that money!
100% charge at 5:30 am, powered down to 5% because they are pissed I expose their constant corruption! 

I need to take a break from this because it is literally traumatizing to be imprisoned by all this corruption! 

- posted 7:54 am 

I will be back....

BTW, instacart said they would replace items, not refund! 

Posted 8:39am 🌼 6/21/2024 

It is Saturday, 22June2024.  I am now able to type the list which reflects my actual order - many of which I did not get.  I will indicate how many I ordered, how many I received. The handwritten sheet which I took pictures of, front and back, was  placed here in this blogpost.  


Item         Ordered    Received

1.  Strawberries    4        4

3.35 ea

2.  Blueberries       3          3

3.35 ea

3.  Bananas            10         8

.26 ea

4.  Lime Juice       1           1


5.  Lemons            6           6

.56 ea

6.  Grapefruit      1            0

2.23/3 lb pkg

7.  Gr Sdless Grapes 2       0

2.21 ea

8.  Apples               1             0  

4.36/ 5 lb

9. McIntosh Apples 1          0

3.68/ 3 lb 

10. Cherebundi juice 1       0

2.45/ 32 oz

11.  BinB Oats           1         1

4.47/ 42 oz

12. Applesauce          2         2

2.79 ea

13. Russet Potatoes    1         1

2.23/ 5 lbr

14. Raisins                    2         1

3.12/ 15 oz

15. popcorn kernals    2         0


16. White Rice            2          2

1.11 / 1 lb

17. Organic Sugar     2          2

3.57 ea

18. Eggs, 18 ct             1          0


      Substituted, 1doz              2

19. Coffee decaf BinB   1        0


No substitute 

20.  Coffee, Brazilian     1       0


21.  Coffee, Columbian  1      1


22. Oranges                     1       0

5.59/ 4 lb

Only ONE orange was in a bag

23. Raw mixed nuts        2      0


24. BinB Mixed Nuts      2       2


25. Dave's Killer Bread   1     0


26.  Butter                         2      2

4.47 ea

27. Mini cucumbers       1      0

3.35/ 3 lb

28. White onions             1      1

3.68/ 3 lb

29. Red Onions                1      0

3.68/ 3 lb

30. Whole Wheat Flour   1    0

3.35 Bread N Basket

31. Whipping Cream       1     1

5.59 qt

32. Condensed Milk         2    2

2.00 ea

33. Ovaltine, 18 oz          1   0


34.  Cheese                       1   0

4.47 Sharp Cheddar  

35. Rosemary, dried       2    0

1.89 ea

38. Figaro Olive Oil       1    0


39.  Cheese                    1    0

2.56 Provolone

40. Soy Sauce               1     0


41. Crackers               1      0

4.36, Premium White

42. Whole Milk          1      1

3.80 gallon

43. Graham Crackers  1     1


44. Greek Yogurt         1    0

.88 - 8 oz

45.  Blackberries          1   0


46. Fruit coctail           3     3


47.  canned fruit         3      0

2.23 ea

Substituted with #46          3

48. *Celery                    1       1

2.79 - I forgot to type it, so it is not in order of my notes 

49. *SureJell                1       0

This is for making jams; I added it when I realized it was not in the order

50. cheese                     1     0

2.56 whipped cream cheese

51. CoolWhip              3      3

Store brand whipped topping

1.33 ea

52. Frzn biscuits        1     0

unk Pillsbury 

53. Fzn Pie Crust       1    0

unk Pillsbury 

I had 53 line items; there were some I decided to order more of, which resulted in just increasing qty in the order online 

I will verify this later.  

Line items received: 35 ACCORDING TO YOUR EMAIL

Total I calculated for groceries received: $113....and change...I just turned my calculator off and was listening to a Romanian, Emil Cosman,  discuss Memorial Day and Current activity about Russia-Ukraine....I will finish this Sunday...


Further verification and summary will be provided later during this weekend. 

posted 6/22/2024

5:08 pm

     Rounded to nearest dollar

Amt which should be checkout total:   

     $114 -$30 LESS than food stamp balance, yet they took the whole balance and charged me additional $24! I WAS OVERCHARGED $54!! 

Amt which should reflect actual order:  


Amt which Instacart took out of my food stamps: 


Amt which Instacart took out of my bank account:  



1.  I should have received substitutes AS STATED RIGHT IN THE MESSAGE, THAT I WOULD RECEIVE 

2.    I should have received what I ordered, as a 2-week+ supply - that was my whole point in using Instacart since I have been bogged down from fixing my apartment due to continuous vandalism by this criminal landlord - who refused to change my door lock which they lied about was done at the time I moved in!  There was not even an inspection and they said I could move in, in a few days, so I gave my prior landlord a 30-day notice - and this landlord used more criminal tricks by saying they were waiting for inspection and THEY could not call about it; and I could not call about it!  Which was both lies!  It is continuous fraud and harm here!  I lost over $1,000 moving in due to this last-minute "you can move in now" and the rental truck did not even place a ramp for me to use, here I am disabled and almost lost my legs from being hit head-on by a 20 ton truck that did not even have to be sanding the roads since it was a sunny day and the roads were bare, admitted by the attorney who my mother agreed to when I was in ICU - he was soliciting himself in the hospital, telling her to hurry since I will probably die anyway.  

The depravity in this society just will not stop - I hate living in the East Coast because of it and never wanted to return here!  

I have been poisoned with lead and had a heart attack; abused in hospitals; almost killed by a man in front of me on the train who just stood there and watched after he sprayed silicone on the train floor - to cause me to break my back and/or neck yet I had hold of the handrail which saved my life yet had a badly torn hamstring, grade 4 - and all the ER supervisor at Yale Univ would say was, "We can't see any damage because there is too much blood" I was bleeding internally that bad on the ultrasound and he was dead-set on harming me as much as I can because his mission was not caring for people; it was following THE PLAN - which reflected the ORDER OF BARBARIANS 

And I know Mark Zuckerberg is really CIA operative Robert T Morris!  A criminal through-and-through and actual brains of the Technocracy, with a doctorate degree in Computer Science from Cornell Univ!  

Zuckerberg founded Instacart!  

The one who delivered this order seemed to be so intently on being honest with me; I gave her an $8 tip online and another $5 tip.  It appeared her husband was even helping her, so this order was not properly listed according to Price Rite's aisles so she could just go in and out!  Additionally, I notice 35 line items rather than 53 - only tells me that the satanist practice of reversal took place by a cyber criminal who either worked for Zuckface or Zuckface himself!  

The technocrats all work together and so damn depraved!  they placed an image of two people having anal sex righ on my account, next to the YouTube logo!  I shared it!  it soothes their depravity by invading our lives!  

My blogs are never monitized, monitored, nor do I allow cookies -- all of which are my right and I have used Blogger for almost 10 years! They are freaking crooks, using cyber crime, and rewarded by Washington DC crooks! 

Apps disconnect me from wifi - programmed to just give me a hard time! 

What's wrong? CYBER CRIME!!! 

They say items will be replaced yet the delivery person told me they have it programmed and she just follows what they tell her, basically. I appreciated her honesty. 
Anal sex image - right by YouTube logo! I am sure that's why V's and Z's mean so much to these depraved psychopaths! 

  N A Z I agenda = Order Of Barbarians 

And Russia has been fighting it alone until recently. US has funded the terrorism against Russia since 2014, when Colin Powell
 ("How dare him taking our war toys away when we are so eager to mass murder") 

And his daughter-in-law's father, retired from the NAVY, seized the WOMD in Syria,  that Saddam Hussein made for CIA, and placed them in a multi-ton container on a retired navy ship, which was sunk in an undisclosed part of the ocean! So they ramped up their tactics to incite war, to include giving billions a year to Ukrain! Ukrainians  moved out of the country! Many went to Russia, like Canadians would go to USA in a situation like that. Yet USA funded it!!! 

Obama and Trump Created trillions of dollars - all illegal, using Timothy Geitner! 

We need answers! We need solutions! We need honest people in US govt! We need accountability! 

                      SEE THE V's in the image? They use depraved coding - "the world is a stage" demented ideology, and more! Now the image appears to be an athlete doing stretches and where there was a head on the left "foot", doing a backbend, it is a foot! I could do backbends when I was younger. I tried to be as athletic as I could be but my priorities were school, work, church activities. My father always gave me jobs and paid me. I enjoyed that independence and feeling of self-worth. And he was the best dad anyone could have, his family were his life. Yet my siblings treated him like trash, ran him out of town, croticized him for being against paedophilia! 

These Cyber Elites send messages, you read them, then they alter them 'like magic" to f*k with your heads! It was commonplace on Zuckface's facebook! 

They change anything! The ones who have this power should be in prison! They are crooks! They are lawless! 

They have no right to any security clearances like this! 


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