Julian Assange Deserves Nobel Peace Prize
Link for this blogpost https://thunderflower2021.blogspot.com/2024/06/julian-assange-deserves-nobel-peace.html?m=1 TABLE OF CONTENTS https://thunderflower2021.blogspot.com/2024/02/table-of-contents-premier.html?m=1 Obama put the squeeze on Julian, yet made Edward Snowden a hero - why is that? The Deep Web is one of many! Edward Snowden released how to access it which enabled organized crime to establish themselves! First, through Silk Road. That was shut down and founder was sentenced to life in prison - they will probably quietly release him! Then Alpha Bay was created! The largest crime ring in history! Over 61,000 store fronts" murder for hire, drugs, sex, robberies, fraud, and so on! Jeff Sesions formed a collaboration, took it down. And asked Trump for military suppirt to make an arrest sting! Trump refused! Fired Sessions! And restored Alpha Bay! From 23min to about 59min is nothing by AP. Julian's charge sb REVOKED...