CBDC Economy Sucks

Reminder: these blogposts are free, copy and share what you want! Make it your own words. DECIDE FOR YOURSELF BECAUSE YOU MATTER! 

Link to this blogpost: https://thunderflower2021.blogspot.com/2023/05/cbdc-economy-sucks.html?m=1

The Nefarious 

Redistribution Of Wealth Plan!

This 2 or 3 year window was a redistribution of global wealth. Please copy, share - not just links, but notes bc my blogposts get altered. Make it your own statement. Thank you!

🚒 https://thunderflower2021.blogspot.com/2022/04/titanic-1912.html?m=1





Follow The Money










Table of Contents of all blogposts (I try to keep up to date) ALPHABETIZED


 I have a cow that gives milk πŸ„

It's great milk - so healthy for you 

Along comes the Central Bank and decides to finance my cow - and poof! They claim to own my cow and because of that, can tell me what to do with my cow, who gets what milk and so on. πŸ„

The Bank now decides to group me with all black and white animals. 🦨 

I don't find the relevance. 

The Bank decides to further control 

And in the midst of this chaos, says Welcome to CBDC 

You don't need to have a stressful life: because WE CONTROL YOU...And we may even decide when you die; it's working so well with our "test runs" - because WE DECIDE. You now belong to us, we can do whatever we want with your life. We've been doing this for years, to see how it will work and determine it works well because most of the people do as we want. 

After all, theyπŸ„ can't control their own lives as good as we control ours. πŸ‘Ή

Video: https://youtu.be/mfVahClhdfc

Can we stop this organized crime? 

Do our lives matter? Isn't it obvious that Twitter is used as a psychopathic tool by ELON MUSK? Did you see his CEO? 

He posted a transgender with exposed boobs - which I posted as his "titter" image - all of which has been erroneously removed to cover up what that scumbag did! And he says my hate speech is not allowed! 

I sent it by gmail also. 

Not this account, which opens 

right up

Not this account, either, which 

opens right up

    This is the gmail account, which they now block for Musk:

the "gotit" messages are CYBER CRIME - and as you can see, the other accounts are not marked "new gmail" - this one is because I sent Screenshots of Musk's tweet on his "new CEO" - a transgender with exposed breasts the size of an elephant trunk!;

Other gmail accounts open right up! 


Economy is ME

Forget about YOU

Forget about WE


It’s just ME

I climb to the TOP

After making everyone POP

Deception is my conception!

Oh - and it’s SWEET!

Sweet as stinky feet!


My train gains brains

And then becomes a runaway

That’s okay! I’m all through with Play!

YOU is the new curse

It makes life worse

Jus to say - so I put YOU in a tube


That tube is a train cart

And as I use my distorted art

I say how you become strong - Life is an art--

YOU make it up as you go along!



The only correction is what’s your confection

The business sweet spot is NOT

It’s now GotIT - TikTok/koTkiT

Take your money and run - kind of fun!

The only ONE is ME



You fools - cruelty is our specialty!

We practice on Red Riding Hood

And Go on to other hoods!

Our “good” is only shallow - DEEP is for CREEPS

Unless we undress the hidden

Like Snowden did!


AlphaBay then became the CIA craze

To make money - fund it - the “GotIT” way!

No Way Points - just cracking joints by FORCE

Ahhhh - yes - FORCE

Our favorite word!  Our favorite activity!

Because MONEY isn’t real and I don’t feel -

I can only ultimately reel in ME!


Zelensky excuses his NAZIISM claiming Ruscivism 

She says China is against Digital Currency and WHY they launched their own digital currency and next sentence sheceven refers to it as CBDC - was this video frauded? 

 "πŸ”΄ GET READY: CBDC Has Been LAUNCHED by the World Bank and the IMF" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/n-pQjhh70G8 

This 5min video Is difficult to wrap my head around! Explaining the individual states come to the rescue making their own CBDC - WTF - people change addresses and people like me who live in a crime infested state have NO CONFIDENCE in what they do now! 

 "Crypto 101: CBDC | Central Bank Digital Currency Explained" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/j9LVdPXBaLw 


Where is Russia's $300B that is in US banks? They owe nothing to USA! This is an international crime! Ukraine invaded in 2014 with Obama-pd terrorism!
This obvious military contractor talks to CNN about the drone over the Kremlin ...wtf, he wants war, he considers war as a game! https://www.cedricleighton.com/


@JoeImbriano777 "THE BORDER CRISIS #joeimbriano" on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/live/iiViokxHNfk?feature=share  


"Get out of currency, buy money, and you'll probably be able to buy a whole lot more stuff later" #EconomicCrisis2023

N O T E S 

1. CBDC is coming for your money (Central Bank Digital Currency)...I have many notes which you can copy oncecI am finished. 

2. Payment stable coins. Suggested to be used as pre-CBDC, but are no solution. Fed Reserve wants to be the big bad wolf and make payment stable coins/aka CBDC. Your money will be kept in Fed Reserve. Bank functions as intermediary wallet. All transactions are electronic. US Gov has custody ofbyou!  Check out coffeezilla channel. 

3. Bitcoin wallets can be virwed by anyone! 

4. Andrew Tate was kicked off all social.media - Google wouldn't allow him to even use an android. 

5. Russia had $300M No! $300BILLION - this phone was hacked and has been aggressively hacked since my other cell phone was taken out of my apartment by an illegal intruder! This shit will be commonplace if the Federal Reserve turns into the Federal Deserve! They have so much damn power they figure they DESERVE to own us!  in reserves in US banks - USA froze that money! 14:54min: The US cannot just take Russia's money, unless they declare war! Yet the Biden admin is talking about stealing that money to rebuild Ukraine - terrorism which USA has been funding - $15Billion a year! 

6. Unfortunately, this guy says what RUSSIA did was horrible (15:21min) - completely ignoring the fact that Ukraine invaded and incited a longstanding civil war and US began with one billion dollars of George Soros' money paying for terrorism/weapons which is an international crime! 

7. Fed Reserve lies. Reality: they want to shove digital currency down our throats! 

8. Layel Brainard and Jerome Powell were considered for Fed Reserve and Biden placed her as Dir of Economic Council (what happened to prior director?) She's valuable because she pushes CBDC. She has been giving speeches for years. To put in context: CBDC's are already rolling out around the world. 10 countries are already using CBDC's as test cases. Some are: Nigeria. Bahamas, China (wtf, they have their own currency) Jamaica, Uraguay. 

9. Bank Of England - Alasdair Macleoid. 

10. Loss of confidence in USD will be a global crisis.

11. Mike Maloney - end of Bretton-Wood system with FIAT. 

12. Best solution to stop the "economic bleeding" Resort to gold and silver.

13. The ones at the top want to keep the ponzy going and suppress gold and silver values. (Bill Murphy) 

14. 1999 - 2002. ThevBank of England foolishly sold a massive amount of Britain's gold reserves at average price of $275/oz. Proceeds were spent by USD. Govs of Canada, US, France and Switzerland - were sellers of that gold.

15. Note, September 11 film on Lost Money covers phenomenon of much gold being seen transported. This film won high awards. 

16. Central Banks were selling 400 tons of gold a year - says Eric Sprot, CEO. 

17. I need a break....Maybe a few hours or next day when I return to this. 

.... I slept for 4 hrs! My nervous system is doing a reset from recovering from these high radiowaves for years. 

18. Alan Greenspan: 7/1998. The world Central Banks stand ready to lease gold in increased quantities should prices rise! (Former Reserve Chairman) 

19. Edward Alan George, Baron George. B 1938, d 18April 2009. Gov of Bank of England: 1993-2003. Sat on the board of NM Rothschild & Sons. 

(Take into consideration, Charles married to Diana 1981 to 1996 - Diana was a programmed Rothschild plant

Whose 'mission' was to divide and conquer the MONARCHY. She posed as a virgin; yet was a transgender. Obviously quite proud of pulling off that act, yet that is how they programmed her. She got a gender reversal and I'm sure became a much more behaved person. Respect to his privacy, please. 

20. Andrew Bailey is Gov of the (Royal) Bank of England 

21. 1997-Former PM Gordon Brown granted Bank Of England operational independence over monetary policy (prepping for September 11, I bet! Also giving way for Mark Carney to attempt to hijack the bank through excessive financial decisions. He did not succeed, yet even to this day, I believe he does what he can to promote the take-down of the Monarchy -- for no good reason! They want to control every person's wealth - nobody will have freedom! 

Bill Clinton is half brother to GW Bush. That is why he isn't a junior. 



Mark Carney was Gov of the Bank Of England from 2013 - 2020, leaving seemingly strategically when the WUHAN virus was attempted, but intercepted by intelligence, replaced with the common flu - Coronavirus - and the name changed a few more times! Nothing reflective of professionalism in science! 

23. The capital of the bank is held bybThe Treasury Solicitor on behalf of HM Treasury. The bank is owned by the UK govt. 

24. One of the largest bank heists in British history 2/23/2006: gang of armed robbers impersonating police officers, tied up employees at a southern England security company and stole 43.5 million dollars (USD equivalent) No mention if they were Americans or not.

25. Biggest Bank Collapse

       Washington Mutual (WaMu) 

        $307 BILLION in assets = $424 Billion today 

26. Charles Norgate - largest bank heist in history (approx $75billion ifvI recall right) . He was Irish-American. Apparently contracted by Irish Revolutionaries. 

Note, QE2's favorite uncle was leader in Ireland. He was murdered. I wonder also, if Bruce Ismay had something to do with that! He lived his life out in Ireland after he and JP Morgan rigged the sinking of Titanic. 

27. UK's debt with Bank of England is $$2.5 Trillion 

28. Bullion banks lease gold for a price - yet Dimitri Speck explains this nefarious activity - 

It is illegal accounting! 

Gold is considered enemy of US Gov; yet it protects the people. (Isn't this socialism?) 

29. Central Banks are embarassed by abuse of price of gold - not consistent with supply and demand

30. This is a massive 'con' by entire governments - creative accounting - FRAUD. Gold is titled to more than one bank! 

"If you can't hold it, you don't own it" 

This is similar to the Murdock and Madoff scandals! 

(I wonder if the MURDAUGH murder trial scandal was made a distraction. There is absolutely nothing that adds up! It is as fake as the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting, I bet. Nobody died at Sandy Hook! Adam Lanza did not even exist! It may be that Mudaugh's wife and son were killed by a contracted sniper and they put much spin on it to distract! First thing needed: did anyone really die?) 

31. Problems need to be solved by trustworthy people! 

32. 2023 - is expected to have the Greatest Wealth Transfer In History

The fact so much crime is committed by the financial industry, I consider tge upcoming days to be very dark if they succeed! 


Posted 5/16/2023


Time to get back to sleep! 


Here is the link:   https://twitter.com/End_TheFederalR/status/1526855910110466050?t=X6DJnXieX5_qP0i3I7Zlfw&s=19 

Share this blogpost link or copy transcription, share: 



COVIDOCRACY  https://thunderflower2021.blogspot.com/2021/10/covidocracy.html?m=1

   Remember, this can be copied and shared. 

My blogposts are ad-free, not monitized or monitored. Copy, share. Make it your own words. This is a combined list of all my blogs 
Thunder Flower Blog 2021
🌼  https://thunderflower2021.blogspot.com/2021/10/table-of-contents.html?m=1 



2 1/2 min video - transcribed

Watch "Why the whole banking system is a scam - Godfrey Bloom MEP" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/hYzX3YZoMrs 

It is my opinion you don't really understand the concept of banking.  All banks are broke. Bank Santanded, Deutsche Bank, , Royal Bank of Scotland...they're all broke.. And why are they broke? It isn't an act of God. It isn't some sort of Tsunami.

They're broke because we have a system called Fractional Reserve Banking, which means that banks can loan money that they don't actually have. It's  a criminal scandal and it's been going on for too long. To add to that problem, you have moral hazard, a very significant moral hazard from the political sphere.  Most of the problem starts in politics and Central banks, which are part of the same political system.  We have counterfeiting, sometimes called "Quantitative Easing" by any other name.  The artificial printing of money, which, if any ordinary person did, they'd go to prison for a very long time! And yet governments and Central banks do it all the time.  CENTRAL BANKS repress interest rates so we don't  have the real cost of money. And yet we blame the retail banks for manipulating LIBOR.  The sheer effrontery of this is quite astonishing! It's Central Banks!  It's Central Banks that manipulate interest rates, Commissioner. And plus, underneath all this, we talk loosely at a rather cavalier fashion, do we not? About Deposite Guarantees! So when banks go broke through their own incompetence and chicanery, the tax payer picks up the tab! 

It's  theft from the taxpayer! 

And until we start sending bankers, and include CENTRAL BANKERS, to PROSON for this outrageous, it will continue! 

tried to share more and I get nefarious,  Technocratic Popups like these - on YouTube AND this blog!

The technocrats are psychopaths and make this platform very fragmented! They disabled my blog FallonTalon.com so it can't be viewed, so where you see blogplosts with fallontalon extensions, most likely they were blocked by these cowardly button-pushers! 

They duplicated a screenshot to delete a different one and replace it with a duplicated one! 

So don't consider Internet reliable - not by a Longshot! It's not that it doesn't have the capacity to be, but as long as these depraved TECHNOCRACY 


Are in power, they will continue to lie, cheat, fraud! 

Posted 30July2022

It all began with the huge πŸ’° grab they made from sinking Titanic! 

Regurgitating  Dodd Frank Act 🎬
Video:  https://youtu.be/QACGoKb48_0

My comment:  The DODD-FRANK ACT is self-serving - frauding average consumer - READ IT!
Obama pushed and passed it
Biden, his VP pushed and passed it!
We have FRAUDS - organized crime - in Washington DC!
Is Biden also going to push IT'S ALL USA'S FAULT, too - like CIA man/psyop - terrorist organizer - Obama did?

Watch "How Did They Heat and Cool the Titanic?" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/YfuzTmkXjk8 


Anchors here or AWAY?
      Fires πŸ”₯  helped cause combustion, explosions on Titanic - 1,000 passengers were locked in because CPT Smith deliberately activated the lock tight door which kept them from being able to save themselves!
Consider how #BruceIsmay
And #JPMorgan got #CPTSmith to NOT use the 2anchors on the #Titanic, which would have kept them from approaching the alleged iceberg! Instead, Smith ordered #FullSpeedAhead @KingCharlesIII_ 


Posted 3/22/2023 


Explanation of 

How Money Is Created


The evolvenent of coinage and  FRAUD - now digital is the ultimate stealing our purchasing power πŸ”‹ πŸ˜‘ 


MARK CARNEY - was and is the biological weapon that climbed  fraudulently to the top - as Governor of the Bank Of England. He's currently on the Board of TD Bank - claimed to be Canadian yet has USA/New York accent - no Canadian accent. He was born in a Fort in Canada πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦. Consider these things, folks!


Response to a probable Troll
And you don't have to do a damn thing, keep sitting on your hand ms singing Jesus Loves Me and could care less about protecting and defending! That's why my father, a police chaplain, was poisoned with arsenic by a paedophile priest,  and my siblings went along with it saying it was a religious experience,  not even ASKING Dad or me if they can do anything to help! Yet they obviously ran him out of town, denying what they did, and got mad I left my job to go help him, BLOCKING my efforts to get unemployment!
People like you consider that the CHRISTIAN way, that Dad is with Jesus now so it's okay to murder him!
To hell with people who have no responsibility!

The Controversial History of Banking - well described
Birth of #Superimperialism
Also refer to #PepeEscobar and #MichaelHudson (global economists) @MenTourPilot

      Is this helpful? πŸ€”
"The Fed’s Plan To End Money | CBDC | What You Need To Know" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/BD1MoUgV3Gk

Posted 5/16/2023 

Goshen Prepping
"JUST IN – Central Bank Digital Currency begins JULY – Get READY!" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/v7C7VjxcS9w 

CBDC ALERT 2023 GOODBYE FREEDOM - Central Bank Digital Currency in USA" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/ttJXtKf_hXg 

Posted 15May2023 /5:16pm EST

The FEDERAL RESERVE IS HIJACKING USA! They are not even part of the Government, like CIA - this is domestic terrorism! 

"FedNow launched in midst of banking crisis, is it a precursor to CBDCs, 'totalitarian' control?" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/rB_kSDWw2hk 

Posted 15May2023 / 5:30pm EST 

Covers the problens with CBDC #CBDCEconomySucks
Because this country is run by #OrganizedCrime @KingCharlesIII_

Posted 15May2023 / 6:08pm EST 

This Quote (By Ernest Hemmingway)  is fake ideology! WRONG! “The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. 

Michael Cowan

June 1: USA defaulting
The Unthinkable Begins In 14 Days..." on YouTube - https://youtu.be/ClBQxe7Dxhg

July 1:  "FedNow Service Launching In July - GOODBYE FREEDOM | The Fed’s Plan To End Money | CBDC" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/kecG81z1NQc

Posted 5/15/2023 / 11:01 pm 

Find what you can on Whitney Webb. The Technocracy hate her.  Her research touches upon all topics if today. 
They disabled her website 

Melinda MAXWELL Gates is a transgender. Ghisang Maxwell was Epstein's sex-whatever who brought underage girls to Epstein Island, MAINLY BY FORCE. Where is the quote you allege? Unless this country bc part of Commonwealth, it will not survive. #WarForProfit is no solution!
Apparently, social media gets paid by the tweet...WTF 

This spin is worse than The NATIONAL INQUIRER! Block accounts that are obviously CIA psyops! 


My response tweet: WTF - you're either a CIA psyop or your brain is fried! Elon Musk is obviously part of beehive technology, computer chipped and told what tp say and do. Just watch his hesitations! The Aspbergers story is a feeaking lie! Use some logic! He makes passes at women! 

My replies are the truth-The Technocracy only spin lies! 

Posted 17May2023
12:46 a.m. 

    Matt Wall? I think his last name is Street....
My comment: You are DEFINITELY not a credible financial consultant. Don't tell me, you are paid by Elon Musk, et al....and that includes JP Morgan. 
       And for that, I was blocked to save the community ....
Ka-ching, ka-ching! πŸ’°


Reminder: I share the resources who I am confident in...I am not a resource. I'm just here for the ride....

Posted 17May2023 

Secret: I won't subscribe to Wolves in Finance not because he isn't competent with finance,because he is - but he says: 

It's Russia's Fault - no it is not! Ukraine invaded in 2014, inciting NAZI  terrorism with the billion dollars George Soros gave them = INTERNATIONAL CRIME yet Obama not only approved it but he said, I see your billion, and raise you πŸ’ΆπŸ’²πŸ’°billions using taxpayer money! $15billion a year since 2014! Russia announced they were destroying the arsenals - where weapons were stored! See Putin's speech! I posted the transcript in this blogpost - I think in Economics: Macro and Micro 

Vladimir Putin came from a rough childhood, poor, sexually abused...he dreamed of being a KGB (which was created because USA created CIA terrorists!) He also served in Britain's military as I understand it.  
     Notes I have shared: 
President Putins address to Nation of Russia: https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/putin-gives-annual-address-to-russia-transcript

Incident that appears to be assassination attempt on President Putin (2 drones)
       Zelensky is actually framing homself. This is why the citizens of ukraine are fleeing! They attack ukraine!

Volodymyr Zelenskyy (01:04):
We don’t attack Putin or Moscow. We fight on our territory

Full transcript: https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/russia-accuses-ukraine-of-drone-attacks-on-kremlin-transcript/amp 
He is an opera singer on the side 🎡🎢🎼 - he is buds with Pavaratti, et al ...."O solo mi-o!" 
The US Government is way too large!
     Wolves In Finance 

Posted 5/17/2023


#TheColdWar = #ForeignPolicySucks! Resenting Russia for driving out NAZIS? This nuclear reactor project #CampCentury reflects more suspicion USA attacked #Chernobyl! Americans mass murdered Americans on #Septemberr11! @KingCharlesIII_ @KremlinRussia_E

Posted 5/17/2023 


The kicker is, @FinanceWolves had explained previously that IRS purchased tons of guns! Do these agents have to know how to shoot guns?😈

Posted 5/19/2023

Grrr! This is my blog domain: 

But can you see it? It finally works when I select "view" in editing the blog, but is still not viewable from my phone! 

Microsoft Windows blocked it to begin with and I think they are still the culprits! 
Posted 5/19/2023

The problem is this country is rittled with corruption - so how can we trust them to manage our money? #CBDC
CBDC Central Bank Digital Currency in The USA: What You Need To Know" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/43jEzaogiy8 

Posted 5/19/2023 

BTW, Impeach Biden is FAKE
Impeachment Means To Fire
https://youtu.be/Lmpbqgd37FQ - 10mim video on journey ahead requires financial binoculars 

Posted 20May2023

My YouTube account is being altered! 
Please, people, you need to share this information, resources. The Technocrats are so damned dishonest! 

Posted 5/20/2023

The wealth of the Technocrats should be seized! They keep doinv this to me: 

I don't threaten anyone! I share my opinion! 

           USA is losing! They don't deserve to win! They should join the Commonwealth and the UK should join BRICS! This would be a great solution! And the evil ones who keep trying to destroy the Monarchy will go down themselves! 

Must be pleased with the progress of BRICS and I appreciate them pressuring Washington, DC!
Check out Charlie ward's video! #TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT81PEojb/

              BRICS is winning!!
S Africa 

Saudi Arabia 
United Arab Emeratis 

Requested To Join 
Costa Rica 
El Salvador 
Azur Bazhan 
Shri Lanka 

Posted 611/2023 

Thank you for taking time to let us know, Prof Sal. @mercoglianos Who would want to explore at this dangerous economic time? Who cb sniffing for their wealth & life ins policies?  #Titanic #Oceangate #RobertBallard is in RI  @BlancolirioYT @Scottymechanic

Posted 20June2023

#BRICS #WorldReset
Watch "The Titan Submarine has been found-and outed #joeimbriano" on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/live/NZqEyuHfGSc?feature=share

We get Wisdom & Power from faith in God. I need to transcribe this. "Get right with God" - it is your personal choice in how to feel the blessing of life as our Creator intended. We are given choices. We are a #humancondition. Born to love, we learn to hate

Watch @BlancolirioYT concur with this 20-yr Navy vet explaining the bizarre construction  "Oceangate Sub Construction Details and Implosion" - as @joeimbriano777 opines, nobody even dived in it. It was fake; a Satanic Ritual message.

Posted 6/23/2023 

I wonder if Eswar Prasad, PhD can look into the probability that Robert T Morris (phD degree in Computer Science at Cornell Univ) is now Mark Zuckerberg after he destroyed tens of thousands of computers with the Morris Worm, and given change of identity through CIA! I emailed them about it - now my email accounts are blocked by Gmail! There is no accountability in the internet system! 

        Insert, because this blogpost is hacked by CYBER CRIME and I cannot scroll to the end: 
     REMINDER OF JUST HOW FRAUDULENT AND WHAT LIARS ELITES ARE: I agree with Joe Imbriano, The Titan stor, like the Murdaugh Murder Trial - is FRAUD. Read comments on those videos. Like September 11, we are lied to day after day and the wealth of these liars should be seized! They are why our economy in USA is imploding, like Vladimir Putin said! 
"The Titan Submarine has been found-and outed #joeimbriano" on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/live/NZqEyuHfGSc?feature=share

Watch @Kitco
 "FedNow coming in July: It is a 'slippery slope' to an 'evil' CBDC – Richp Checkan (Pt 1/2)" Copy what you want on this blogpost: https://thunderflower2021.blogspot.com/2023/05/cbdc-economy-sucks.html?m=1🎢🎡🎢🎡 https://youtu.be/hyWm_SVNYNM 

Clear Value Tax channel discusses Student Loan Forgiveness - Betsy Devos lost a case regarding applications for discharge - I'm still trying to.find that letter! I set it somewhere so I wouldn't lose it and forgot where!

I cant find Twitter Acct for #ClearValueTax but want to share this case Defendant Lost! Federal Student Aid, 830 First St NE, Wash DC 20202-mailed
? Vs Devos - I will tweet it when I find it #SunriseCT

      Good Riddens to the crooks, I say!
How is Commercial Real Estate going to collapse banks? Let them foreclose! They make money on foreclosures, right? Removing the crooked real estate companies is a good thing!

    She's the Baracuda Barrister serving and saving!
      Listen up! Shifting Your Bank Accounts to FedNow Without Your Knowledge - by Lynett... - https://youtube.com/watch?v=fwjKXsHOduo&feature=share

Posted 7/27/2023 

#ITMTrading  warns
Shifting Your Bank Accounts to FedNow Without Your Knowledge - by Lynett... - https://youtube.com/watch?v=fwjKXsHOduo&feature=share 

Posted 7/27/2023 

At 4 min I was perplexed why Whitney fingered @BankofAmerica yet not the most villainous bank in USA: JPMorgan - hopefully she wasn't paid off. I promote her to Expose Corruption
@WhitneyWebb: Bitcoin & the Plot to Destroy Financial Privacy - Bitcoi... 
Video:  ??

They want to run us off the cliff! #Superimerialism
Posted 8/26/2023 



1. The Cooking of Humanity 

2. Cell

3. Friendly Fire, starring Carol Burnett 

Update 10/9/2023
6:19 pm EST - USA 

Posted 6:34 pm - EST-USA 



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