Nietzsche and the Nazis



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Thunder Flower Blog 2021 🌼 

Nietzsche and the Nazis

Full Audiobook - 3hrs 

by Stephen R. C. Hicks _ full audio, 3hrs

" Learn the lessen and get it right" -

I'll  do my best to provide more notes - entered 10/4/2021 

1933 - the NAZIs quickly turned Germany into a dictatorship
    Pay attention to what was going on in USA....QUICKLY  means it was PLANNED
           Titanic was sunk
           Federal Reserve was created by the money looted off Titanic, as well as insurance fraud
            WW1, which most of us realize was a political set-up  involving France, USA - desire to take down British Monarchy, and more
5min 36 sec - I need to  resume  10/4/2021

          I suggest you find or prepare a Timeline - this visualization will really explain alot as far as modus operandi goes. Do I have one? No; I'm  doing all I can to be a stepping stone 😌 

Notes - partial 

Nietzsche and the Nazis

Full Audiobook - 3hrs

by Stephen R. C. Hicks _ full audio, 3hrs

" Learn the lessen and get it right" - I'm  preparing separate notes, which may be added to my blogpost on NAZIs

1933 - the NAZIs quickly turned Germany into a dictatorship


    Pay attention to what was going on in USA....QUICKLY  means it was PLANNED
           Titanic was sunk
           Federal Reserve was created by the money looted off Titanic, as well as insurance fraud
            WW1, which most of us realize was a political set-up  involving France, USA - desire to take down British Monarchy, and more
5min 36 sec - I need to  resume  10/4/2021

Whew. Resuming
6min 17sec
5 weak explanations for national socialism
1. Germans lost WW1
2. Germany's need to fix economy
3. Something wrong with Germans needs to be "tamed"
4. Naziism
5. Manipulating way into power is successful  - abuse of government structure

Nobel Prize Winners
12min 15sec - this phone isn't functioning properly.  I need to resume later...

Obviously the bastards didn't want me to see this section and share notes. I will try again later

16min 42 sec
We're led to believe freedom, equality, and peace are mosy definitely good.

But what if they're not self-evidently good?

When did freedom, equality, and peace even exist simultaneously?

20th century -> modern experiments. USA is still a young country.

Capitalism and Liberalism is finished!

Democracy vs "Strong" leadership
   (Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump used "Stronger Together" motto. Us "stupid people" accused Trump of copying Hillary and he changed his motto. WTF)

Harsh . World of conflict -"peace makes people soft" yet war makes them tough, vigorous, & "willing to die" aka #HumanSacrifice

Rise Of Nation
Ideals used as a face
Motive: to get power

Best way to get power is to establish political parties. Join a paety and work your way to the ranks up the top.

US: Democrat, Republican

"Don't join a fringe party or rogue party"


NAZIs did not join the main political parties - they set up their own fringe party

(So the writer contradicts the ideology)

NAZIs Based  in South Germany - in Berlin. 'True believers in a cause"
They claimed they did not want powerif it meant compromising their ideals. They wanted power but they believed would promote their ideals.

This Obscure political party formed in Munich in 1920.

Part 3, Section 6
The Program
DAP - German Workers Party
Goal: (author Gottfield Fedder) To recognize Nationalism and Socialism

His lecture attracted Adolf Hitler to the party. The party changed its name to National Socialist German Workers Party

Rally in Munich - over 2,000 participants, the partu announced its platform, 25-point program.

Main authors:
1. Gottfield Fedder
2. Adolf Hitler
3. Anton Drexler
      (consider who Anton LaVey was! The wordplay is deliberate!)

DAP means in the UK: Delivered At Place; it is slang and a gesture of solidarity

Main Points of the 25-point program

No individualism - only collectivism
22:50 min

"It must be the first duty for every citizen to perform mental and physical work. This activity must not violate the general interest but must be exercised within the framework of the community: and for the "general good"

They consciously reject Western Liberal Individualism with its emphasis on the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness - all of which are individualistic rights.
24. The common interest before self interest
8.  Economic Socialism - not Capitalism. Socialism is most emphasized theme by NAZIs (encompasses 14 outvof 25 points)

11. Abolition of all income gained by loaning money

12. Confiscation of all profits owned by German businesses - WW1

13. Nationalization of all corporations

14. Profit sharing in large industrial enterprises.

15. Demands that generous development of state-run old age insurance

16. Immediate socialization of huge dept stores

1921 - NAZIs met with German Socialist Party to consider merging

(LOL, it fell through - yet they bragged about the Germ Socialist Party being rogue - this was clearly done to propagandize for power)

The NAZIs still conveyed the Ecenomic Socialist Theme  - competing with the German Socialist Party


We are socialists! We are enemies to Capitalism - for the ecenomically weak with its unfair salaries, unseemly evaluations of the human being according to.wealth abd property instead of responsibility andvperformance and we're all determined to destroy this system under all conditioms.

Even more strongly, Josef Gerbells hated capitalism and urged socialism. Dr. Josef Gerbels was perhaps the most brilliant and educated of all the NAZI politicians - once the NAZIs came to power, he was to be one of the most powerful of the very top NAZIs. Perhaps No. 2 or 3 after Hitler himself.

Gerbal attended 5 different universities, eventually receiving a PhD

(HE WROTE MEINKAMPF - which Hitler claimed as his narrative, his book,)

Posted 11/28/ be continued  

I just noticed I didn't finish this...1/2/2022 ...I will do my best to resume...I think all the notes are hand written.I just need to type them. 😑 

Here are more notes, I just hadn't transferred them over here: 

(HE WROTE MEINKAMPF - which Hitler claimed as his narrative, his book, They were placed in a halfway house after arresred and convicted of TREASON - the place was like a hotel and that  is where Gerbel wrote this book and they plotted and planned their future takeover, more treason!)

During his grad days, he agreed with Karl Marx and Freidrich Engels, damning those he claimed were money pigs - Capitalists. LOL. "Money has made slaves of us"
.(Ironically, he's allowed that to be his dynamic, so if I could, I'd say "Speak for yourself, Social Engineering Pig!")

There's more social engineering, and the audio spokesperson says Gerbel said,
"Money is the cursing of mankind."
"Money destroys anything that's good."
"Every penny is sticky with sweat and blood."

The worker in a Capitalist state is no longer a living human being, a creator, a maker. He has become a machine without sense or understanding. He is alienated from what he produces.

(How illogical is that? A NAZI claiming this about a free country! And there is a group of NAZIs in USA. Thousands of them! That includes Oligarchs! They bonded under the the secret society of Illuminati.  They are only for their interests, theirvwealth and power! They mass-murdered Americans on September 11, 2001 and many other occasions - blaming other countries - including the Oklahoma City bombing!

The CIA is organized crime!  Understand the mind of a Satanist! They brag about the Devil's Chessboard as excuse.)

The state should control the economy, organizing its production and distribution in the collective interests.

(Notice the deliberate jumping, so this is not the "full book")

Section 9: Nationalism - not internationalism or cosmopolitanism

Collecrivism and Socialism as defined by the NAZIs - belong primarily to their ethnic and racial groups, which givevthem their core identities.

This 1920 Program: seven of the 25 points refer to this above issue.

There are 3 Enemies of the NAZIs

1.  Marxist Socialism. NAZIs claim.major battle is racial, biological, social groups.

(And therefore peoplescaping is their priority: people like sex cultists

Malcolm X
Jeffrey Epstein

And many more - considering their sperm of superiority and therefore want to get as many women pregnant as possible...and most likely endorse the polygamists who belong to their Satanic/Illuminati agenda)

29 min

Laws and Religions are considered a problem, say NAZIs.

Emphasis on German Superiority.

2.  NAZIs reject cosmopolitanism ideal of Western liberals who believe that all humans are eventually the same or wherever anyone travels. One should strive to be a citizen of the world, and seek to "be at home anywhere in the world"

3.  Not discussed at this point

The NAZIs are nationalists, rejecting internationalism - cosmopolitanism.

(Then why are they trying to conquer the world? Note, the magazine COSMOPOLITAN was a female version of Playboy. They are Satanists! DECEIVERS to the core!
I don't think this guy on the video gets it - or maybe he is being a predicted programming operative. Don't allow this! Think on your own!)

These themes explain the design of the NAZIs' swaztika flag. Their symbolic indication of socialism and nationalism.

White is symbolic of nationalism - the Arian struggle for racial and cultural supremacy against those who are trying to destroy  GERMANS.

(UNDERSTAND the social engineering - keep in your mind, "Says who?"

My book: Symbols And Their Meanings
By Jack Tresseder
Freidman/Fairfax Publishers

WHITE is the symbol of Divinity, cosmic power.

(Satanists consider themselves to be gods. Whatever they relay to the public is for their own purpose - nothing to do with truth! #KnowTheEnemy )

Red is a common color - representing the Apple of good and evil, for one thing. Satanists use red to represent themselves.

Yet it is also used to represent courage, valor, heroism (purple as well) since it is like the color of blood that leaves the body. (Actual color of blood is blue-purplish depending on whether it is going to or away from the heart. Consider how your veins have a greenish-blue color when you look at your skin - and veins are used to draw blood from, for IV treatments, for injections. Arteries are like the femoral artery. The carotod artery - which if cut severely, can cause you to bleed to death.

The bottom line is you may have your own experiences with colors - which give them your personal meaning - and whatever you choose meaning for them is your decision.

The enemy is one who takes away your choice! And at times, we have our own selves to blame for that dynamic!  You need to keep your center because

God helps those who help themselves❤

You can't help others unless you can help yourself. Be stable. That includes being comfortable in your own skin. Though lige is a learning process, your core values keep you strong.

Having support, networking, also is important - for we develop and reflect our most important qualities and thus have social support around us - to ward off other groups, for instance like the NAZI Satanic DECEIVERS.

Satanism can be viewed in a purely carnal state, as apposed to spiritual. In short, they are sociopaths addicted to deception.

Page 31, Symbols And Their Meaning:

Hoeace described Roman necromancy involving the slaughter of the black lamb. This reverse symbolism is typical.of most traditional witching symbols. They include nocturnal animals (such as black cats and owls) toads, wolves, or (in Japan) foxes, goatlike symbols of lust, snakes, poisonous herbs and such fearful sacrificial offerings as dead babies. Jung saw witches as projections of the dark side of anima - the female side of human nature. 💟 end quote

(-and Carl Jung and others are integrated in the psychological methods - particularly Psychiatry - all of which are based on theories, not proven facts. They can be borderline sociopaths oftemtimes - because they follow their leader, their agenda, their pharmakea, which is known to be a satanic religion - they call it voodoo in the Congo.

Be aware of these things - for you can be like in sinking sand ...



Eisenhower was a GERMAN,  supporting the NAZI movement.  Once people realize war shouldn't be glamorize, and always reflects political crimes, mainly by USA, people will realize the quicksand we're sinking in was #MadeInUSA 


My pics are blocked! At 21min 15sec he makes a point! "JUST MAKING SURE WHOSE SIDE YOUR ON" The only side really was to profit! Eisenhower was German!
@Kurimeo_Ahau @gpovanman @BovierDon @_whitneywebb @mediamonarchy @bobforgovernor


A Bridge Too Far

My pictures are blocked! At 21min 15sec he makes a sound point! "JUST MAKING SURE WHOSE SIDE YOU'RE ON" The only side really was to feed greed. Eisenhower was German!
@Kurimeo_Ahau @gpovanman @BovierDon @_whitneywebb @mediamonarchy @bobforgovernor

Notice how the Navy describes their PT boat as a killer, rather than defender. "I was just kidding" doesn't cut it here. USA has a reputation for being bullies. Change Depravity to Diplomacy and life would be so much better for all of us. @bobforgovernor

Posted 6/6/2023 


DEFENDING WHOSE LIVES? I have listened to many Holocaust survivors who said the freaking blackouts helped NAZIS STEAL, KIDNAP, FORCE THEM ON TRAINS AND NOBODY COULD SEE WHAT THEY WERE DOING! 

You couldn't be more wrong and I am not watching the films because of what you posted, particularly since the NAZIS in USA are plotting the worst blackout ever! Solar energy is not reliable when there is no sun! The geoengineers know how to block out the sun! 

Posted 9/26/2023 

She was Jewish -yet the dirty secret that HITLER was actually Jewish and part of the Illuminati/Satanist movement was not discussed in this film. 🟢

The Nazi Officer's Wife - 

POSTED 12/8/2023 


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