November 2023
Happy All Saints Day There are saints in all religions, my opinion. And ALL saints c an also refer to everyone espiring to live their utmost to contribute to humankind - those who mock and even fight such efforts are evil. #ReligionForBreakfast explains Who Are the Samaritans? - 🌳Just like Christianity, Islam, and probably others, each religion is comprised of several sects with individual belief systems. FYI, I did not post this following, and deleted the image. It makes me so angry - I get so sick of CYBER CRIME - which is caused by the technocracy! I intentionally made the Gardiner Brothers featured for this month! Some psychopath - like CIA scumbags who enjoy disrupting everything in my life - WHO RATHER THAN RISK THEIR LIVES TO SAVE PEOPLE, MURDER PEOPLE TO INCITE WAR,VIOLENCE, INSTEAD! THEY ARE TRAITORS, ORGANIZED CRIME! Read the comments - they make powerful s...