
Showing posts from June, 2023

July 2023

 Link for this blogpost: Konkrete Channel      I didn'tbmsay it that way - the damn psyops change words to fit their social engineering!  "Strong" and 'Stronger" are soundbytes by Donald Trump and his longtime Satanist friend (both are satanists) Hillary Clinton! I stay away from those words except when I use the skunk image to mock their crooked a$$es! Satanism is terrorism!  What I tweeted was reflecting the video and I also emphasized   #MicrowavesAreDangerous - they deleted this tweet off my phone notes, and altered it on internet! "They" are the criminal underworld who are also paedophiles and rapists or aid and abet them! Twitter blocks me from accessing my account! I can only send tweets from YouTube videos - they are obviously changing them - how often, I don't know!  @LTHomestead #PesticideExposure  Is MO stronger than MN? (Also consider radiowaves - see f...