Home Economics
HOME WRECKANOMICS REMEMBER, THESE BLOGPOSTS ARE A HOBBY...AND THIS TOPIC COVERS A WIDE ARRAY.... Why was Homeland Security created? Order of US President, "To protect citizens from the Middle East Terrorists"....supported by the greedy terrorist bastards in the Houses, profiting from the #September11 false flag event! The US President, et al mass murders over 3,000, destroys $billions in property, including homes nearby, BLAMES THE MIDDLE EAST, incites illegal wars, and gets away with it all! If Colin Powell and a few other good people were not there, this great country would be under NAZI control! Most of us genocided! The link of this blogpost is: https://thunderflower2021.blogspot.com/2022/12/home-economics.html?m=1 Refer to notes in https://neemtreebark.blogspot.com/2023/01/follow-money.html?m=1 Also this is a continuation of my HOUSING RANT 2021 due to CYBER CRIME disrupting that blogpost. - 2-9-2024 JUST SOME HUMOR MIXED WITH SHARING HOUSING CRIMES:...